What do you do when your dog's energy levels spike from a 3 to an 8? My answer as a top dog trainer: the Calm Freeze.
I know it's daunting seeing your dog transform from well-behaved and calm to rowdy and agitated in the blink of an eye.

But here's an important fact I've learned from years of working with dogs and their owners: you, as a dog owner, possess the remarkable ability to transform your dog's behavior from hyperactive and agitated to calm and relaxed.
And the Calm Freeze has been proven to bring back your dog's calm and relaxed demeanor WITHOUT having to use any product or tool.
I trust it so much I even use it on my dogs.
In today's blog, I will talk about the Calm Freeze and how this technique can calm your dogs without tools, words, products, or even force.
Key Takeaways
- The technique is effective in various situations, including overexcitement, aggression, dog fights, disobedience, and anxiety.
- It reinforces the owner's leadership by showing calm confidence in handling different dog behaviors.
- The Calm Freeze is about understanding a dog's emotional state, not just a physical technique.
Table of Contents
- What is a Calm Freeze?
- How Do You Perform The Calm Freeze? Here's a Step-by-Step Process
- Why The Calm Freeze Works in Calming Dogs
- When Can You Use the Calm Freeze?
- The Calm Freeze is a Great Way to Let Your Dogs Know You're in Charge
- The Calm Freeze: The Technique That Tells Dogs “Look at Me, I'm Calm. I Want You to Be Calm, Too.”
What is a Calm Freeze?
The Calm Freeze is a strategic approach to soothe a hyperactive, stressed, anxious, or restless dog.
It's more than just a technique; it's an understanding of your dog's emotional state and a way to communicate peace and stability.
This method isn't about physical restraint but about emotional resonance.
By using the Calm Freeze, you're not just controlling your dog's actions but also influencing their emotional state, bringing them from a place of hyper to stillness.
How Do You Perform The Calm Freeze? Here's a Step-by-Step Process
Step 1: Begin By Calmly Guiding Your Dog Towards You
This initial step sets the tone for the entire process — it's crucial that your approach is cool and composed.

Don't start the Calm Freeze by shouting or forcing your dog to come to you; this can potentially create more resistance.
Step 2: With a Gentle, Upturned hand, Lightly Hold Your Dog's Collar
The emphasis here is on gentleness. Your dog will pick up on your calm energy, which, in turn, helps them to relax.

Use a finger or two to hold the collar securely.
Like I mentioned above, your dog will understand your energy more than your words. When you are calm, your dog will replicate that.
Step 3: Maintain Your Calm Demeanor
Your steady presence can be a powerful calming force even if your dog shows signs of agitation, fear, or restlessness.

Your calming presence also helps your dog regulate their energy and emotions.
Step 4: If Your Dog Tries to Bite You, Put Them in Timeout
If your dog reacts negatively, such as attempting to bite, guide them calmly into a timeout. This pause allows both you and your dog to settle any heightened emotions.
Step 5: Gradually Loosen Your Hold and Release Your Dog
Once you start to sense their energy levels going down to a 2 or a 3, slowly release your hold.

This step is important as it signifies the end of the calming process and a return to normalcy.
Why The Calm Freeze Works in Calming Dogs
It's a Technique That Dogs Understand
Dogs are acutely sensitive to energy. When you, their owner, embody calmness, you're speaking their language. You're giving them cues they understand better than any verbal signal.
The Operative Word is “Calm”
The ultimate goal of the Calm Freeze is to help dogs bring down their spiked energy levels.
Imagine this: asking your dog to calm down through shouting, or threatening them, or getting angry.

It doesn't make sense. In your dog's eyes, your words and actions don't click. Following your instructions becomes so much harder.
The Calm Freeze believes in this: a gentle approach fosters a peaceful response.
Dogs often mirror the energy and behavior of their owners, so the Calm Freeze is the remedy that makes sense.
This technique is effective because it doesn't rely on physical force, which can escalate anxiety and aggression.

Also, remember that a pack leader always chooses a gentle and calm approach. Once your dog sees even their antics, anxiety, and aggression don't affect you, their respect for you will increase.
With increased respect comes an increased ability to follow your directions. When you gently hold their collar, they get what you mean: “You can calm down now.”
It Helps De-Escalate Stressful Situations Fast
The calm freeze is excellent for quickly diffusing tense situations immediately.
It's like reassuring your dog, restoring peace more rapidly than verbal commands or physical interventions.
When Can You Use the Calm Freeze?
Handling Overexcitement
It's particularly effective when dogs become excessively excited and lose focus.

Does playtime make your dog hyperactive even after playtime has ended? Spend at least 5 minutes to do the Calm Freeze with your hyperactive dog.
Countering Aggression
If you're starting to sense your dog's aggression rising to the surface (and it's crucial you know how to see the signs ASAP), use The Calm Freeze.
The gentleness of the calm freeze can pacify your dog's overwhelming emotions.
Watch out for potential aggression towards you. If aggression persists, you can put your dog in timeout.
Interrupting Dog Fights
It can help break up dog fights by calming one of the dogs involved.
Dealing with Disobedience
The Calm Freeze is handy when dogs are rowdy and do not respond to verbal commands. This technique is also effective in making dogs turn their focus on you.

Easing Anxiety
It's a gentle way to comfort anxious dogs, especially in unfamiliar or stressful environments like when they’re dealing with strangers and perceived threats.
Holding your dog still is like telling them, “It's okay, I'm here. I'm the one in charge, so I can confidently handle what you're worried about.”
The Calm Freeze is a Great Way to Let Your Dogs Know You're in Charge
Your dog's restlessness, aggression, protectiveness, overexcitement, anxiety… basically, any strong, heavy emotion can be traced back to them feeling they're in charge.
But here's the truth you want your dogs to know: you are the leader.
You are in charge.
You handle anything that worries them.
You can handle the danger that causes their protectiveness.
And how can The Calm Freeze help dogs see this?

The Calm Freeze shows this by manifesting to your dogs that you:
a. Are calm and confident. What worries them doesn't worry you.
b. Handle everything. Your calm energy will show them this.
The Calm Freeze: The Technique That Tells Dogs “Look at Me, I'm Calm. I Want You to Be Calm, Too.”
When your dog shows a change in energy, what can happen next is unpredictable.
Will they bite? Will they exhibit aggression? Will they hurt other dogs? Will they run away?
It's crucial to have a solution the moment you see the first signs of spiked energy.
This is why The Calm Freeze is a GREAT dog training tool to master. It's free, it's easy to do, and you can use it whenever you need it.
Try using it and see the difference!

~ Doggy Dan