Free Dog Training Online? You Bet!
UPDATE: All good things come to an end, I’m afraid. The Free Trial is no longer available, but for just $1 you get exactly the same access for 3 days (plus some extra bonuses!) Amazing dog training no longer costs the earth Have you ever wished there was a website for training your new puppy […]
When Dogs Bite Their Owners: What To Do If Your Dog Bites You
When dogs bite their owners, what is the sensible next step? In this blog, you’ll be able to deeply explore the reason behind biting behaviors, and what you can do to stop them… fast! Being bitten by your dog always comes as a shock. Questions eventually follow. Is your dog’s behavior already aggressive? Do they […]
DD 007: How To Use Food In Your Dog Training
In this podcast we look at the amazing topic of how to use food correctly when training your dog. If you have ever wondered whether or not you are using it correctly and making the most out of it, then this podcast will answer all those questions. Many people are using food when there’s absolutely […]
DD 006: Barking when left alone at home
Listen to the Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.6 by using the player above, or subscribing to iTunes and listening on your mobile device. This post will give you an overview of what’s included in this episode: Barking When Left Alone. If you have a dog that’s barking and barking every time you leave the house, then this is for […]
The Great Dog Trainer Shootout… Who’s the best, and how you can save hundreds
Want to know how to save literally hundreds of dollars training your dog? The other day a lady emailed me from Kentucky in the States, her dog had been a jumper, a barker, was becoming a little aggressive when people came to the front door. In fact her dog had all sorts of issues by […]
How to control your dog – 3 important principles for success
3 Huge dog training tips The more I work with dogs the more I see that it’s so often the simple things that we really need to focus on. When it comes to ‘how to control your dog’, it’s a case of going back to basics. Here are 3 simple concepts that I use in […]
The power of using food rewards in your dog training
Dog training – The correct use of food rewards Food is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to motivate and train your dogs. Think of it as very similar to the way you view your pay check each week…how long would you work at your current job if they stopped paying […]
How to train the best family guard dog
So you think that you want a guard dog? Well, what is a guard dog? Many people that I work with tell me that they want a guard dog… however before agreeing I ask them to think carefully about what is it exactly that they want their dog to do. The conversation often goes like […]
The Five Golden Rules
In many of my posts and videos I mention the Five Golden Rules. These form the foundation of my training. They are the underlying principals of controlling dog behavior. If you ask me how my method differs from other dog trainers then I think it would be best summed up in a little story. It […]