Begin a Dog Training Career: What it Takes to Become a Great Dog Trainer
If you’ve thought about becoming a dog trainer, but aren’t quite sure you have what is takes to become a great dog trainer, you’re not alone. In fact, there are tons of dog-lovers around the world who dream of living a life where they get up every morning and actually get paid to work with […]
MYTH BUSTERS: Can You Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?
When I hear the myth “You can’t teach an old dog a new trick,” I also think of a quote which I believe to be true… “If you always do what you’ve always done, then you’ll always get what you’ve always got!” In other words, if you want to train a dog, no matter his […]
Live Your Dream: Become a Professional Dog Trainer
Growing up in the northeast of England, I always dreamt of doing something special with my life. After all, I went to school with Alan Shearer who went on to be the captain of England’s soccer team. I hoped to do something similar, but alas, it was not to be. And so, my life began […]
Fear Aggression in Dogs: The Right Training Can Change Dogs
In this blog, I’m sharing my most powerful tips that work in dog training, especially if you are dealing with fear aggression in dogs. Aggression due to fear (for example, territorial aggression and aggression from overprotectiveness) is a dangerous behavior problem that should be addressed correctly. There are so many strategies online telling you how […]
Training Aggressive Dogs: Understanding Dominant and Fearful Aggression
In this blog, you’ll learn that training aggressive dogs is much more productive when you set certain training rules in place. I’ll be sharing the strategies that worked for more than 100,000 dog owners. Over the years as a professional dog trainer, I’ve worked with thousands of unruly and aggressive dogs who react aggressively to other dogs. […]
Dog Training Secrets: An Inside Look at Stopping Inappropriate Behaviors
Those of you who know my work know that my dog training practices are founded on dog owner education. Why? Because believe it or not, most of the dogs I train have a problem that needs to be solved by educating a dog owner to change his or her behavior. That’s the first of my […]
9 Reasons Becoming a Dog Trainer is the Best Job Ever
If you wake up every morning and dread getting out of bed to go to work, you’re not alone. In fact, for years I woke up at the crack of dawn, made a long commute to my job, sat at a desk for 8+ plus hours, and worked a job I absolutely hated because I […]
A New Approach to Dog Training That Both Dogs and Owners Love
Over the years, dog training techniques have begun to evolve in a very positive manner. Now it’s time to take that evolution one step further! First, I think it’s great that there are a lot more people making the transition from yank and crank training (an awful way to train a canine) to a more […]
My Journey To Becoming a Dog Trainer and Behaviorist – Now You Can Do It Too…
I was rapidly heading towards my 40’s… and knew it was time to make the jump to becoming a professional dog trainer and behaviorist. Until then, I’d been sitting behind a desk with a career in middle management… a lifetime of helping my team sell as many cases of wine into supermarkets as possible. I’m […]