Over the years, dog training techniques have begun to evolve in a very positive manner. Now it’s time to take that evolution one step further!
First, I think it's great that there are a lot more people making the transition from yank and crank training (an awful way to train a canine) to a more gentle dog training approach.
(See how I've trained over 88,000 dogs with gentle techniques here!)
So, with my clients, I always stress the importance of not forcing the dog to change, which often means making the switch from shock collars and screaming to a more natural and gentle dog training method that appeals to the dog's natural instincts.
And it’s so nice to see that people are catching on and are realizing that this new approach to dog training works.
So, if you’re following a familiar training method, great work!
If not, you may be wondering why I’m so passionate about sharing my approach to dog training with the world.
That’s an easy question to answer.
Here are a few reasons I believe people should begin taking a gentler approach to dog training…
1. My Dog Training Methods Are Enjoyable for Both Humans and Dogs
Training a dog shouldn’t feel like a chore! It should be an enjoyable experience that’s fun for both you and the dog you’re working with.
Think about it…would your dog rather be forced to comply or have a good time with his human whom they have a great bond with?
The answer is having a good time, of course!
That’s why my dog training methods are rooted in dog psychology. You see, when you approach training from a dog's point of view, you can create that bond quickly, and it makes the entire process a lot easier and much more fun!
Plus, the dog then wants to please you!
Put another way, tapping into a dog's brain allows you to communicate more effectively and make a connection super quick.
That’s right…you can actually learn to connect quickly with any dog! (not just your own)
And once you learn to do that, this new-found method of communication opens up the door for you to calmly and gently change a dog's behavior.
This means that things like shock collars, screaming, and smacking your dog are no longer necessary to stop unwanted behaviors.
On top of being able to remove these harsh disciplinary tools from your training routine, being able to communicate like a dog also takes the forcefulness out of training.
Eventually your dog will choose to listen to you and not simply obey to avoid a negative consequence!
2. Time Is on Your Side While Using My Dog Training Techniques
We live in a world where people expect immediate results and instant gratification.
Unfortunately, when training dogs, instant results aren’t always going to happen.
That is just a fact.
Changes in behavior takes time. Have you ever tried to stop eating cakes and sweet stuff or stop watching movies past your bedtime?
It’s the same for dogs. Bad habits can take a while to break!
And also, just like humans, no two dogs are alike. So, some may be ready to learn a new behavior whilst others need a little more time and assistance to catch on to something.
For example, it’s possible that with my techniques, you’ll be able to get Sparky to come every time you call him at the park within an hour. But getting Sparky to come every single time you call him when he is chasing another dog might not happen for a few days or even weeks.
Like anything in life worth achieving, you have to build up to it.
And once you understand that training does take time, it’s takes a lot of pressure off both you and the dog you are training. Phew!
Here’s the most beautiful thing – as long as you put the training in place and are consistent with it, it will work. How awesome is that?
So, if you’re a dog trainer, this means that the success of training a dog is just as much the dog owner's responsibility as it is your responsibility. This takes a huge load off your plate, don’t you agree?
I see it as a bit like raising kids…you can send your kids to school, but ultimately, it’s the parents who really need to be setting the bar at home.
And as long as you, as a pet owner, or a client of yours implements my training techniques, you will find success…even if it takes a few weeks, which is nothing over the lifetime of a dog.
3. My Dog Training Methods Allow You to Train for a Lifetime
There are a lot of industries in which you much constantly relearn information or attend classes and seminars to keep up with the latest trends.
This requires a lot of work, energy, and effort on your part. Boring!
Thankfully, this isn’t true with my dog training methods.
Go through my Dog Trainer Academy program once, and you’ll have all the skills you need to successfully train dogs for a lifetime.
How is this possible? Great question.
You can learn everything you need to know about training dogs in just a few months with my program because my training methods are based in dog psychology. They explain how to get inside your dog’s brain so he will choose to listen and calm down.
And here’s the awesome part – how a dog's brain works isn’t going to change anytime soon!.
For that reason, once you know how to effectively connect and communicate with a pup, you’ll be able to do it for a lifetime!
That said, it’s not a bad idea to take an additional dog training class every so often to brush up on your skills and ask questions. You can always learn something new.
But I promise, with this program, you’ll never feel the pressure of constantly having to attend a class or learn new skills.
4. My Approach to Dog Training Is 100% Transparent
When it comes to training a dog, it’s so important that both the dog owner and the dog trainer work together.
This seems like a logical thing, but you’d be surprised how many people are ok with shipping their dog off to a trainer's facility where the pups are trained behind closed doors.
It’s actually quite scary…especially for the dog that’s being handed off to a complete stranger.
Aside from the anxiety the dog may feel from being taken out of his home and put into the hands of strangers, this is a major problem for two reasons.
First of all, it's easy for people to become frustrated with a dog and feel forced into using training methods that are harsh and abusive behind closed doors to get fast results at any cost, regardless of how the dog feels or is treated.
Yelling, using bodily force, and shocking dogs with shock collars are just a few methods that are commonly used to force a dog to submit and obey. Not good.
If more pet owners saw it happening in front of their faces, there would be a lot of dog trainers suddenly going out of business.
Second, if training is done in private with a trainer (regardless of how kind and gentle the training techniques are), the owner is never going to learn how to properly work with their dog. Also, no good.
Because training a dog starts with educating the dog owner, shipping a dog off to be trained is very rarely the most effective way to train a dog.
I understand the importance of owner involvement, which is why I’m 100% transparent every time I work with a dog.
(In some very extreme cases, there is reason to work with a dog first away from their owners, but in the vast majority of cases, it’s not necessary)
This means I go to the home of pet owners instead of pet owners sending their dogs to me. This also helps to develop owner responsibility for his or her own dog rather than blaming the dog!
I ensure that the owner of the dog I’m working with is present for every consult I do so I can teach the dog owner how to interact with his or her pet.
And, I’ve never worked with a dog behind closed doors yet!
I believe it’s so important that pet owners know exactly what I am doing with their dog during the training process.
Over the last two years, my team and I have been putting together the most amazing training course that will show you a new approach to gentle dog training.
There really is no other program like it!
I won’t go into too much detail now, but just imagine that you could watch me at work as I implement these new training methods, ask me any questions, and be given the necessary help and advice to set up a successful dog training business from scratch.
Are you interested?
All you have to do is CLICK HERE to get the information you need…
…and then stand by as I’ll be in touch soon – with what it’s all about and how you can take YOUR next step.
If you're still at the point where you're just looking to put a solid training foundation in place for yourself, I encourage you to instead check out my program The Dog Calming Code here! Or, if you have a puppy my Puppy Coach training program is a great place to start!
~Doggy Dan 🙂
8 Responses
The video was great. It may me realize a few steps I should be taking. I went through the dog calming code and was consistently doing it. However , at bed time I do call him up to join me. Figuring since I’m asking and he’s not assuming. However, if I didn’t ask him to join me, I wonder if he would still come up???? My guess is yes. Hmmm. I may need to start creating him at night? He does bark on walks so maybe there is a correlation
Yes get him off the bed as it’s sending mixed messages. Also, he’ll be invading your space when you’re asleep. Pats and cuddles are on your terms
Absolutely wonderful read! Although it is just a preview of your work I must admit that you know your stuff.
I wish more dog owners realized that the only way you can train and teach your dog is through positive action full of patience and love.
Hi Mary, thanks, I must admit that the more I spend time with the dogs the more I start to see just how much they can sense and tell about us, our intentions, if we are frustrated or patient and full of love. Learning to win the hearts and minds of dogs sure is an interesting journey! All the best Dan
sounds good to me may be my dog elsa will calm down when we have visitors she jumps up a lot…lets hope with your help I will beable to correct that
Hi Margaret, I’m sure if you put in place the simple foundation I explain at http://theonlinedogtrainer.com you will be able to stop the jumping. Its one of the easiest issues to stop. The training part to stopping jumping is usually as simple as putting the dog in timeout when they jump. If this does not work on its own then the chances are you don’t have a solid enough foundation. Best, Dan
Hi Dan, the video was very good! I would like to know what to do when both dogs try to dominate and neither is backing down? Thank you. Love your training methods! Terri
Hi Terri, in this situation you need to calmly separate them and keep them apart until they have relaxed. Often walking them together will help them calm down…it gets them on the same team and removes a lot of excess energy. The main thing to deal with the cause of the issue is to ensure that they know that the humans are the pack leaders in the home. When you get this bit right things calm right down. Two dogs fighting in the home is not an issue that you are going to solve with food rewards in my opinion. Its not a training issue as much as a hierarchy issue and a leadership issue. So by taking that top spot (and any other humans taking all the top spots you push the dogs down the pecking order and there is far less to fight about!) Have you ever noticed that nobody ever argues about who came 14th and 15th in a running race? Its only who came first that people really argue about! Hope that helps… Becoming the pack leader is the foundation of my training method and is all covered off inside http://theonlinedogtrainer.com Regards Doggy Dan