Learning to understand your dog’s body language

Learning to understand your Dog’s Body Language Ever found yourself completely confused by some dog behaviour, with no idea what your dogs are doing or saying to each other? Sometimes their actions can look completely random. It seems as though there’s no meaning to what’s going on. In fact the opposite is true. But before […]

DD: 010 Leash training – when your dog is too excited to walk

When the walk becomes dangerous…

Taking your dog for a walk is supposed to be one of those pleasant experiences; relaxing, enjoyable and memorable. However for many people it’s memorable for all the wrong reasons! Dragged down the street, pulled off your feet, arm yanked out of its socket, damaged wrists and a lot of stress.

DD 015: How to train your dog to come every time

In this FREE podcast we take a look at one of the most basic of all commands. Something that’s surely so natural for a dog… but sadly for many people it isn’t. So simple in theory, the recall, as I like to call it, is all about getting your dog to return to your side.

Understanding Dog Bites

This week I thought I would touch on a very serious topic. Dog bites. Just a few days ago I received an all too common phone call from a lady. Her dog had bitten her son. It was a nip to the foot, not a mauling, however she called me to ask if I could […]

One day we may start to understand what dogs know

What dogs know I’ve decided the time has come to look a bit closer at our friends the dogs, and ask the question what do they actually know? It’s a funny thing being a dog trainer, having worked with thousands of dogs and their owners over the years; I have seen everything from the simply […]

Dog personality and how we behave in life

This week I was reminded of how different dogs are, not just physically but also in terms of personality. The scenario As I wandered along the beach with my 3 dogs, I met a young couple on the beach who had a German Shepherd dog (GSD) on a leash. He was about 7 months old […]

6 reasons why you should neuter your dog

Moses, my 6-month old puppy, recently spent a couple of hours at the vets being de-sexed. It wasn’t a difficult decision at all, here’s why. The hormone testosterone that’s generated by the entire male (that is the word given for male dogs who are not de-sexed) is what drives the male dog to reproduce. When […]

How to respond when an aggressive dog runs up to my dog?

Something that I get asked a lot is what to do if you’re approached by a potentially aggressive dog. In this article I have covered off 3 situations where you are walking your dog on a leash and another dog off the leash comes running up to you. Being challenged by another dog when out […]

One of my best Dog Training Tips

I have so many great dog training tips – this is possibly my favourite… Before you ask your dog to do something, ask yourself this: “Do I think that my dog will succeed?” If the answer is no then why are you going to do it? Lets take a very simple example. You are training […]

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