6 Great Reasons to Foster a Dog in Need


According to the ASPCA, over 7.6 million cats and dogs end up in shelters every year.

What’s even worse…according to the statistic, only 2.7 million of them end up finding homes.

That means nearly 4.9 million animals are put down every year, simply because they can’t find homes and shelters can’t care for them all.

It’s an unfortunate problem that’s been caused by a number of factors including puppy mills, breeders, and irresponsible dog owners.

Many of these dogs end up in shelters. And, while most shelters do their best to help animals in need, they are not a nice place for a dog to live his life.

Even worse, thousands of dogs are put to sleep every day in shelters simply because there’s not enough space to care for every dog in need.

While this problem is horrific, one good thing has come from it—the concept of dog fostering.

Years ago, people noticed the need to help dogs who were in shelters and began opening their homes to dogs in need. Today, many homeless dogs get to eat nutritious meals and enjoy cuddles on the couch with their doggy foster parents until they find their forever homes.

If you’re a dog lover but can’t commit to owning a dog for 10+ years, fostering might be a great option for you.

Why? Because when you foster a dog, you simply agree to a short-term commitment of housing a pup while he waits for his forever family.

It’s much like fostering a kid. You act as a temporary caregiver until the pup gets adopted by someone else.

Not sure whether it’s the right choice for you? Here’s 6 reasons to consider opening up your home to a dog in need…

Reason #1 to Foster a Dog – Save a Life

Of course, the number 1 reason to consider becoming a foster dog parent is because you can help save a life!

With so many dogs being put down every day due to overflooded shelters, you could help prevent the unnecessary deaths of sweet innocent dogs who simply want a family.

With many. if not most of these dogs, there is NOTHING wrong with them—they simply need a chance in life.

You may think, “Oh, it’s just one dog.” But, between everyone who fosters, thousands of dogs’ lives are saved every day.

Reason #2 to Foster a Dog – It’s Fun

Having a dog is downright fun.

Whether you’re into long walks in the park or cuddles on the couch, a foster dog can help you make the most fun out of each and every day.

There’s truly nothing that compares to coming home every day to a dog ecstatically wagging his tail with joy simply because of your presence.

Reason #3 to Foster a Dog – It’s Flexible

We all know dogs are a huge responsibility. Therefore, bringing one into your home is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

That being said, when you foster a dog, you get connected with a community of people that make having a dog in your home a little more flexible and easier.

For example, you may want to foster a dog, but you can’t commit long term to dog ownership. Fostering allows you to enjoy the presence of a dog in your home, with the knowledge that the pup may only be with you for a few weeks or months before he goes to his forever home.

Or, if you’re fostering a dog and have an emergency come up, there’s a good chance that someone in your network will be able to “cover” for you and take your foster dog if a situation occurs where you can no longer keep the dog in your home.

Last but not least, foster dog parents are typically ready and available to help out if you need to go on a business trip or a family vacation and don’t want to send your foster pup to a boarding facility.

As you can see, fostering is much more flexible than actually owning a dog.

Reason #4 to Foster a Dog – You’ll Make New Friends

Speaking of foster dog parent networks, fostering a dog is a great way to meet new people and establish lifelong friendships.

Between dog rescue events and other dog fostering activities, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get to know new people.

There’s nothing better than finding a group of friends who love dogs just as much as you do!

Reason #5 to Foster a Dog – Happy Goodbyes

Saying goodbye to a dog as a dog owner often means that a dog needs to be put down or is going to be given away.

Both of those circumstances are sad goodbyes.

However, when you foster a dog, you can ensure that all your goodbyes are happy goodbyes, because you will very likely be able to see the progress of your dog and stay in touch 🙂

Of course, it might be slightly sad to see a pup leave your home. But, you should also be overcome with happiness that your foster pup has found his forever home with people who will love and cherish him.

Reason #6 to Foster a Dog – You Might Find Your Forever Furbaby

The term “foster failure” exists for a reason…

That reason: so many doggy foster moms and dads fall in love with their foster pups that they end up adopting them!

You may not go into a foster situation planning on actually adopting a dog. But the truth is, fostering is a great way to really get a feel for whether a dog is right for you or not.

Think of it as a trial period.

When you adopt a dog from the shelter or a breeder, you often don’t know what kind of dog you’re bringing into your home.

While fostering, you get a few weeks to get to know your pup before you decide whether he is a right fit for your home or your family.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Regardless of whether you strictly stick to fostering or you end up adopting your foster pup, it’s important to provide the dog you’re looking after with a solid routine and some training.

To help your foster pup adjust to his new living situation and adhere to basic training, I recommend that you check out my program The Dog Calming Code.

Check out The Dog Calming Code here.

Over the years, over 88,000 people have used the methods in The Dog Calming Code to successfully transform their dog’s behavior. It’s been used for all types of behavioral issues from aggression and biting to recall and crate training.

(Or, if you're fostering puppies, my Puppy Coach training program might be a better fit!)

Best of all, you can use the same training methods on every single dog that enters your home!

And, while you’re at it, I hope you’ll download my FREE guide to 13 things every foster dog parent should have in their home.

Download my FREE guide here!

Getting prepped ahead of time will help make the transition to having a new dog in your home so much easier.

As a dog lover, I hope you’ll seriously consider taking the leap and fostering a dog in your community this year.

It’s a great experience, and the satisfaction you’ll receive from saving a life is truly immeasurable.


Doggy Dan Signature
~Doggy Dan 🙂

Doggy Dan

Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. His goal is to continue to share his unique approach to dog training with like-minded people who wish to make a difference in the world of dogs. His training methods focus on creating and building the connection between dogs and dog owners, and are shared and used around the world.

6 Responses

  1. I love the perspective of fostering for “happy goodbyes”. It seems it would be difficult to let a foster pet go after loving and nurturing them, but this is such an awesome way to look at it! How rewarding to see a furbaby find a happy forever home.

    1. Hi Joanne, there is no doubt that most foster carers do feel a twinge of sadness as they wave good-bye to dogs in their care. In the back of their minds though they know that letting one go means they can then rescue another. It’s a really rewarding thing to do and I would recommend it to anyone! Best, Doggy Dan

  2. My daughter began fostering shortly after my husband passed away 18 months ago. She has been working with a local rescue and has helped to save over 70 furry friends. I help out by taking care of them while she is at her full time job. Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Hi Christine,
      Fostering dogs is an incredibly rewarding thing to do and having taken on over 70 is fantastic! Fostering doesn’t just save one dog’s life, it saves 2 as it allows a free space in a shelter/rescue for another dog to fill. You and your daughter have made a BIG difference in so many dog’s (and human’s) lives. Great work and keep it up! Best Doggy Dan

  3. I’ve been fostering dogs and puppies for 6 years now. Closing in on 300 animals that have come through my home. My favorite are the pregnant and freshly whelped mommas and young orphaned puppies. Over the last month, I’ve had 3 separate litters stay with me for a total of 19 puppies and 3 mommas. One litter was born here, the other two came to me shortly after whelping. Seeing them go from skinny, sick and or injured and afraid to a happy, healthy and adoptable animal means the world to me. I struggle with depression and anxiety and both my doctor and my psychiatrist encourage me to continue fostering as it has brought about a peace and calm that no medicine ever could. Thank you for encouraging people to help the millions of homeless, abused and neglected animals in our country today.

    1. Wow Susan, 300 animal is a lot of lives you’ve helped save – well done! This is why it’s such a great thing to foster animals, if you have the ability and desire to do it. It’s also an incredibly rewarding experience for all involved. Keep up the great work! Best Doggy Dan

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