Quickly Get Your Dog To Obey, Listen And Relax—Using No Food Bribes Or Force!
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Hi, I'm Doggy Dan! — Discover my online dog training programs that over 100,000 dog owners have used to rapidly transform their reactive dogs into well-behaved, obedient furry friends.
You thought owning a dog would be magical. And it is… for the most part.
There are so many precious moments together – playing in the yard, snuggling up on the sofa or taking a walk around the neighborhood. And you just melt every time you look into those adorable eyes right?
But as they grow older their reactive dog behavior can often change for the worse…
Has your dog or puppy ever…
Reacted aggressively?
They’re nipping at other dogs (or even worse, people), lunging and pulling on the lead or barking every hour of the day (and night!).
Jumped all over you or your houseguests?
It’s so embarrassing when you have to keep pulling them away. Your guests say ‘don’t worry, it’s fine’ but you feel mortified anyway.
Refused to come when called?
When you’re in a busy and noisy environment they completely ignore your recall, which is incredibly frustrating and ends up causing problems for other dogs and people.
If you have experienced any of the above or any other reactive behavior from your dog, you’re not alone. Solving the above problems (and more!) is what we help thousands of dog owners do every single day with our online dog training.
If you finally want to transform your reactive dog into a loving, obedient member of the family then now is the time to make a change, and fast, before their behavior gets even worse or before your adorable puppy slips into bad habits.
If you’ve used other training methods without seeing the results you were looking for then you know how frustrating it can be. Whether you’ve tried listening to recommendations from a friend or spent hours trawling through the Googles, every training method seems to be too hard to implement, you don’t have enough time, or they just do not work.
…There’s the clicker method, which doesn’t apply to many common situations (plus it’s unbelievably annoying—and doesn't work!)
…There’s the bribing with food method, which isn’t sustainable (unless you want a huge food bill, tired arms from carrying around a bag of treats for the rest of your life and an overweight, unhealthy pooch who’s obsessed with the snack draw.)
…There’s the games method, which takes up way too much time to actually be followed properly (and there are about a billion other ways you’d rather spend your time, right?!)
…There’s even the force method, but honestly who wants to bully their dog into submission with brute force or shock collars!? (That’s a ‘hell no’ from me, btw.)
…You may have even had a trainer come to visit you and you’re still not seeing results (ugh, so frustrating AND expensive!).
Quickly Get Your Dog To Obey, Listen And Relax—Using No Food Bribes Or Force!
Instant, Lifetime Access To All Courses And 1-on-1 Support
The Perfect Puppy Program That’s Everything Your New Pup Needs!
The Online Dog Trainer is every dog owner’s best friend. It addresses the cause of your dog’s reactive behavior, not just the symptoms, so you can get right to the root of the issue and solve it for good. With other training programs, they don’t take into account the underlying causes of your pup’s problems and their behavioral issues can reoccur down the line. But not with this method…
The program is based on using communication signals, instinct and intuition that all dogs respond to, and it’s the simplest, most effective and quickest way to change your dog’s behavior (yes, really!).
I’m Doggy Dan, and I’m the founder of The Online Dog Trainer.
I’ve worked with every breed out there and every problem you could possibly think of. My team and I help dog owners like you live a better life by giving you the principles, tools and techniques to transform your dog’s behavior quickly and effectively.
Raising a dog should be a rewarding experience – if you have a problem, like dog reactivity, then you don’t need to suffer unnecessarily.
I’ll show you exactly what to do to stop bad behavior in its tracks… no more reactivity and aggression, barking, lead-pulling or furniture-gnawing, just the obedient, loving member of the family you want them to be.
I can’t wait to help you transform your dog’s behavior and reclaim the happy, stress-free life you deserve. Start your online dog training today!
Peanut was my gift and my guide from the universe. She taught me so much, and she inspired me to build this amazing training platform that has allowed me to help tens of thousands of dog lovers have a better relationship with their pet. Now it’s your turn.
In loving memory of Peanut:
Nov 2004 – April 2018
Listen as Doggy Dan and his guests share heartwarming stories about their pooches, how to solve common issues and training techniques you can implement right now.
Whether you’re in the park or on vacation, you’ll always be able to access Doggy Dan’s strategies, tips and tricks with our mobile-friendly site that features more than 300 easy-to-view videos.
So, no matter where your dog’s behavior gets out of hand, you know you’ll have all the help you need. Start your online dog training today!
Owning a dog can be hard, especially if they've become a bit too barky, jumpy, lungy, snappy or too excitable. Our weekly webinar, hosted by Doggy Dan, has taught over 165,000 people how to solve their reactivity issue. Wanna learn too? Register below, it’s free.
Don’t put up with bad behavior that will drive you crazy. Sign up today to the BEST Online Dog Training and gain the knowledge, expert advice and confidence you need to say ‘so long!’ to bad reactive behavior for good. Soon you’ll be falling in love all over again with the obedient, well-behaved dog you always wanted.
There’s just one more thing you need to do…