DD 005: Socializing A New Puppy

Listen to the Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.5 by using the player above, or subscribing to iTunes and listening on your mobile device. This post will give you an overview of what’s included in this episode: Socializing a new puppy. If you have a new puppy and want to understand what socializing is all about […]
The importance of socialising puppies

Socialising a new puppy Few things are more important than making sure that your puppy is well socialised with other dogs. The reason being is simple: if you socialise them with other dogs when they are young they will learn to get on well with other dogs when they’re older. However if you leave it […]
Socializing a British Bulldog puppy

British Bulldog puppy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6w1OpemJ7I Lola the confident Bulldog puppy Every now and then you meet a very gifted and confident puppy. Lola was exactly that. Dogs like Lola are to be admired but also watched closely! I say that Lola is gifted because I know for her to get my big girl Peanut to let […]
How to socialize a dominant Rottweiler

How to socialize a dominant Rottweiler When a dog becomes overly dominant it’s not a pleasant or particularly easy issue to deal with, especially if the dog is large. Dominant dogs are generally not scared of other dogs and they are not looking to fight, more a case they are simply looking to dominate the […]
Socialization video while training german shepherd puppies

German shepherd puppy socialising with 2 older dogs This is a very cute clip of a German Shepherd puppy socializing with my two much larger, older dogs. Peanut and Inca are 6 years and 3 years old respectively. It is amazing how tolerant and calm, well balanced happy dogs are. It is great for young […]
West Highland Terrier puppy socializing with larger dogs

West Highland Terrier puppy meets larger dogs In this video you’ll meet Horlicks, a West Highland Terrier puppy. Sh’e been introduced to my two girls, who are the first large dogs she’s ever met. Calm energy is the key to puppy socialization Inca is very calm and relaxed, and that’s the invitation for the West […]