Dog Training for Beginners: Can I Train My Dog Myself?

Just the other week I answered a question I often get asked… “Does my dog need obedience school?” If you read the post and came to the conclusion that obedience school isn’t the right choice for your dog, you may now be wondering, “Can I really train my dog myself?” My answer, in short, is “ABSOLUTELY”! In […]
Dog Training: Does My Pup Need to Attend Dog Obedience School?

Time and time again I get asked the age-old question when it comes to getting a new puppy or trying to break naughty dog behavior habits… “Do I need to bring my dog to a dog obedience school?” And my answer is…Maybe! There are many different reasons why dog obedience school might be the best […]
How To Become a Dog Trainer: Finding Stability in a COVID-19 World

2020 was a rough year for just about everyone around the world due to the COVID-19 virus that spread like wildfire across the globe. While I don’t take lightly the hardships that many people have faced, I have taken time to reflect on the positives that such a pandemic has taught us. The two most […]
10 Things I Want Every Dog Lover to Know…

(In celebration of our online anniversary!) While I’ve been training dogs for many years, this August marks the 10th anniversary of taking my training methods and creating an online program for dog owners around the world. How wild is that? I have so much gratitude for the opportunities that my career as a dog trainer […]