The Perfect 8-Week-Old Puppy Schedule: When to Potty, Exercise, Sleep and Eat

Establishing a puppy training schedule for your 8-week-old puppy is vitally important. It makes sure your 8-week-old puppy develops certain patterns of behavior and knows what to expect, but also so you don’t end up being run-ragged 24×7 by puppy training. Key Takeaways from this article: It’s important to establish a regular feeding schedule for […]
Tonight is red carpet night for Moses

Puppy training videos So the day has finally arrived. Today is the official launch of Project Moses. The movies are up on the website, and above is a 1 minute movie of some of the highlights. Enjoy. As you can see he has had a lot of fun, experienced so much already and is going […]
Project Moses – Find out more about my Puppy Video Diary…

Puppy training videos – Project Moses This is Moses, he’s an 8 week old Heading Dog (Huntaway x Border Collie) cross Labrador that I picked up from the SPCA on Tuesday 29th January 2013. So he is a real little mix of breeds. He plays a large part in what I have named Project Moses, […]
Video of Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy socialization

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy is shown the rules of the dog Nature knows best One of the things about watching dogs meet for the first time is that if you know what you are looking for there is actually an awful lot going on. You see, dogs instinctively know that there are leaders and followers. […]