How to Stop Leash Pulling in 5 Minutes By Addressing The #1 Cause

This blog will teach you how to stop leash pulling in 5 minutes with my tested and proven strategy that helps leash-pulling dogs walk calmly. When dog owners come to me for help on how to stop leash pulling, I feel for them, especially when I hear the frustration in their voices. It’s understandable why […]
Do This to Stop Dog-Walking Problems Like Pulling Leash and Misbehaving

If I asked you to write down at least three dog-walking problems, I am sure I’d find leash pulling and misbehaving somewhere on that list. Why? Because almost 80% of those who come to me for help on walking their dog have those issues. And here’s the truth: the solution is fairly simple. The problem […]
Why Does My Dog Yelp for No Reason? Here’s What You Need to Know

If you’ve ever asked “Why does my dog yelp for no reason?” this blog will answer the reasons and the quick solutions for this puzzling dog behavior. Dogs don’t always say what they’re feeling, so it’s understandable why we want to know the reason why dogs yelp. Each sound our dog makes is crucial; it […]
The Calm Freeze: Doggy Dan’s Technique to Quickly Calm Dogs

What do you do when your dog’s energy levels spike from a 3 to an 8? My answer as a top dog trainer: the Calm Freeze. I know it’s daunting seeing your dog transform from well-behaved and calm to rowdy and agitated in the blink of an eye. JOIN MY FREE REACTIVITY WEB CLASS But […]
Why Your Dogs Need Timeout + Frequently Asked Questions on Timeouts

The reason why dogs need timeout is because they don’t naturally understand human language. If you want to give consequences or correction for a specific dog behavior, you must speak a language your dog totally understands. And that’s where timeouts come in. The thing about timeout for dogs is that it’s so simple. And because […]
Using the Short Line for Dogs: Why This Tool Can Radically Change Your Training

The reason for using a short line for dogs boils down to this: control. It sounds extreme, but in dog psychology, the one in control is the one in charge. And when your dog runs under tables and around the garden uncontrollably, and you’re having a hard time catching them, you’re not in control! The […]
Do You Need a Whistle for Dog Recall Training? Here’s Why You Do!

A whistle for dog recall training is a very important tool that some dog owners overlook. Of course, I recommend you go for solutions that work best for you and your dog. If you’ve put in all possible effort to train your dog to come when called, and still haven’t had any success, the dog […]
How to Stop Dog From Snapping: 10 Training Tips for Aggressive Dogs

If you want to learn how to stop dog from snapping, this blog teaches the top tips that will improve your dog’s snapping behavior fast. While all these solutions work for a while, I know one thing from my experience as a top dog trainer: you need to get to the heart of the problem […]
How to Train a Dominant Dog: 8 Powerful Training Strategies

Wondering how to train a dominant dog? Don’t fret — this problem CAN be solved, and quickly, too…let’s get into it! The question of how to handle a bossy, dominant dog is common among dog owners who are exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed by their bossy dogs. BOSSY DOMINANT DOGS: they always want to be in […]