How Much Do You Love Your Dog Checklist

5 Key Areas of Canine Care that Must Not Be Neglected I want to ask you a serious question… When was the last time you thought about how much you love your dog? I know that might sound like a weird question to ask as most of us truly believe we love our dogs. But, […]
Doggy Dan’s Ultimate Summer Holiday Safety Guide

By far one of the best things about summer is the parties! From 4th of July firework shows to backyard BBQ and pool parties, there is no shortage of opportunities to get together with friends and family and celebrate everything this season has to offer. For us humans, this time of year is a lot […]
3 Common Misconceptions About What Makes a Dog Aggressive

If you watch the news or read the paper, it’s likely that you’ve come across a story about someone getting attacked by a dog. And I bet you that 9 out of 10 times, the dog in the story is some sort of large male dog—perhaps a specific breed, like a Pitbull or German Shepherd. […]
Dog Food Aggression: Why Some Dogs Aggressively Protect Their Dinner

If your pet is showing signs of dog food aggression, this blog will quickly help you understand what you can do, to quickly change this behavior. Food aggression is a dangerous behavioral issue that often results in accidental injuries to both humans and other household pets. While this type of behavioral issue is often found […]
My Dog Bit Me: What to Do If Your Dog Bites

In this blog, you will learn the answer to the question, “My dog bit me. What do I do?” Doggy Dan shares the most effective strategies on how to approach a dog with a biting problem. “Doggy Dan, my dog bit me. Is there hope? Should I worry? What do I do next? Dog owners, […]
ScritchSpot: The Must-Have App Doggy Dan Recommends for All Dog Owners

If you enjoy technology, there’s a good chance you have a variety of apps on your computer, phone, or tablet. And, if you love dogs, it’s likely that a handful of those apps have to do with dog care. I myself even have a few dog-related apps I use from time to time that are […]
The Great Shave Debate: 5 Things to Consider Before You Shave Your Dog

For years, dogs owners, dog trainers, and even veterinarians have argued about whether it’s ok, or even beneficial, to shave your dog’s coat. So…to shave or not to shave…what is the right choice? As a dog owner myself, I know that the answer isn’t necessarily black or white. In fact, there are many factors (both […]
How to Determine If Your Dog’s Bad Behavior Is Caused by Boredom or Stress

As a dog trainer, I am often approached with questions about different dog behavioral problems. Some people believe the issues that arise due to boredom are caused by lack of exercise or a lack of attention given to a dog. And these things certainly can make the behavior worse. However, many of these behaviors are […]
10 Things Humans Do That Dogs Struggle to Understand

Do you ever wonder Why your dog stares at you blankly while you play games on your phone? Why your pup feels the need to bark and growl at the vacuum cleaner? Why your pooch chooses to hang out in the other room while you’re watching a sporting event? Everyday rituals like playing on our […]