How to Overcome Your Fear of Aggressive Dogs to Become a Dog Trainer
If you’re somebody who’s thought about becoming a dog trainer, but you’ve been put off because you’re concerned about the dangers of working with aggressive dogs, you’re not alone. In fact, I encounter people every day who absolutely love dogs, but who also have fears about working with them–especially if they have aggressive tendencies. If […]
DD 004: Excited And Aggressive Dog Greetings
My free Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.4 is available now. This blog will give you an overview of what is included in the podcast: Excited and aggressive dog greetings. (If you are not needing help with this topic then don’t worry, the topic you want is coming soon… just leave me a comment and let […]
DD 03: Dogs fighting in the same house
My free Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.3 is available now. This blog will give you an overview of what is included in the podcast: Dogs fighting in the same house. If you are not needing help with this topic then don’t worry, the topic you want is coming soon… Alternatively, you can go straight to […]
How to respond when an aggressive dog runs up to my dog?
Something that I get asked a lot is what to do if you’re approached by a potentially aggressive dog. In this article I have covered off 3 situations where you are walking your dog on a leash and another dog off the leash comes running up to you. Being challenged by another dog when out […]
Stop dog-on-dog aggression at home
Dog aggression between dogs living in the same home is an interesting topic for a number of reasons. The main one has to be the question “Why would two dogs who have lived together, often for many years, suddenly attack each other?” Let’s explore: Why are my dogs fighting? Now I should mention here that […]