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9 Reasons Becoming a Dog Trainer is the Best Job Ever


If you wake up every morning and dread getting out of bed to go to work, you’re not alone.

In fact, for years I woke up at the crack of dawn, made a long commute to my job, sat at a desk for 8+ plus hours, and worked a job I absolutely hated because I felt like I had no other choice.

It was horrible.

I wasted so many years climbing the corporate ladder, chasing numbers, meeting deadlines, and stressing-out over projects I didn’t enjoy. I didn’t believe I had any other options…until one day everything changed.

There came a point in my life where I decided I had to make a change and sought out the advice of a career counselor.

Thanks to that meeting, I discovered that I can indeed follow my passions while making a solid living. It was that day I made the decision to follow my dreams and begin, what I believe is the best job ever…

I became a dog trainer.

If you feel you’re in a similar situation as I was, love dogs, and have a passion for making a difference in the lives of humans and their pets I have no doubt that this is the right career path for you, too.

If the idea of hanging out with beautiful dogs all day and following your dreams isn’t enough, I encourage you to check out the following 9 reasons on why becoming a dog trainer may just be the best decision of your life!

Reason #1 to Become a Dog Trainer – High Demand

In this day in age, dogs are more part of our lives than ever.

But just because people own dogs, doesn’t mean they know how to properly train them.

Here’s the problem…dogs have a certain way of being, a certain way of communicating that is different from humans. And because people are unable think like a dog, a lot of training problems occur.

The big issue is that although thousands of people have dogs, many don’t don’t know how to connect with them.

Even doggy day care facilities and dog boarding kennels don’t always know how to properly train and interact with dogs. Crazy, right?

Sounds horrible, but this is actually great news.

This problem increases the demand for quality dog trainers.

How much demand you ask? Well, believe it or not pet services is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the pet industry, projected to grow 11% from now to 2024.


It’s incredible.

That’s proof the demand for dog trainers in your community is taking off.

Reason #2 to Become a Dog Trainer – Freedom

It takes a special kind of person to enjoy being chained to a desk for 8 or more hours a day. That person is not me, and considering you're reading this post, I’m assuming it’s not you either.

The beauty of becoming a dog trainer is that you’re your own boss. You set your own hours and schedule and this buys you a lot of freedom.

Thanks to my job as a dog trainer I spend fewer hours working and more hours doing the things I love, like kite surfing and spending time with my family.
If I decide I want to take week’s vacation–no problem.

If I only want to work Monday through Wednesday–great!

Even between consultations I can find myself relaxing at a cafe with a coffee and caramel slice, enjoying the day with no stress or worries about the next consult…all very different from my corporate life where every second was being timed.

You get the idea.

As a dog trainer you’ll find yourself enjoying far more freedom than a person with a desk job will ever experience.

Reason #3 to Become a Dog Trainer – Time

Working as a dog trainer means your work never has to be rushed.

Here’s what I mean by that…

Every dog learns on his on time. Some dogs may learn to follow a command in an hour, while other might takes weeks to learn the same command.

So you don’t promise that a dog will stop X and Y before the end of the session (this is not a fast food restaurant) but rather that you will show they owners the skills and tools to train their dog.

Because of this, you’re able to control time without deadlines or pressure, unlike normal jobs.

Sure, you can continue to support them as they go but it’s not all down to you!Now how’s that for relief!

Reason #4 to Become a Dog Trainer – Confidence

Many people question the idea of whether they actually have a real gift they can contribute to the world or not.

It’s easy to think “there’s nothing special about me” when you’re stuck behind a desk all day or are spending your days doing something you're truly dislike.

I had the same thoughts before I became a dog trainer, too.

But once I followed my heart and started working with dogs, I realized I did actually have a gift that I could share with the world. And not only was this gift something I loved, but it also allowed me to make a meaningful difference in the world.

But here’s the best part…

This gift of being able to train dogs also gave me an immense amount of confidence.

It’s amazing how that confidence begins to radiate when you find your purpose in life.

Before I knew it everyone wanted my secrets and skills.

I felt significant and to this day my confidence has continued to grow as I pursue my passion.

Being able to connect with a dog and then communicate them to change their behavior is an amazing thing…and something that most dog owners are desperate to understand.

Reason #5 to Become a Dog Trainer – You Become a Hero

There’s no better joy than leaving a training consult knowing that you’ve changed the life of both an animal and a human.

Look at it this way…

Image you save a little dog who is constantly being zapped by a shock collar because they are misunderstood and don’t understand what is being asked of them.

Simply put into practice some gentle training methods, and now that little guy who cowered in the corner in fear of being shocked can peacefully sleep in the sunshine.

You can even bring relief to an owner who is heartbroken at the idea of having to get rid of a dog with aggression issues.

Become a dog trainer and using my natural training methods, you can literally save the life of an animal and restore the hope in a human being in just a few hours.

If those things don’t make you feel like a hero, I don’t know what else would!

Reason #6 to Become a Dog Trainer – Passion

If you have millions of dollars and never had to work a day in your life again, what would you be doing?

For me, I can honestly say I’d be living my life just how I am now…kiteboarding, hanging out at the beach, being with my family, and of course training dogs.


Because all of those activities are things I’m passionate about.

It’s actually kind of amazing to think that people are willing to pay me to do what I love every day.

Your job should be something you're passionate about. If you love animals and people, I have no doubt you’d be passionate about a career as a dog trainer.

Reason #7 to Become a Dog Trainer – Variety

Every day you spend as a dog trainer is different. And that’s a great thing.

Honestly, who wants to follow the same routine day after day. Boring!

Every time I go and do another consult I get to work with new people, new dogs, address new behavioral problems, find new solutions for clients, and so on and so forth.

I promise, with a canine training career you’ll never be bored.

Over the years I’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the countries finest, celebrities, movie stars, sports stars and billionaires… and each of them thanked me and made ME feel special!

However what I’ve enjoyed the most is spending time, learning and sharing with some of the most amazing beautiful, kind, loving, fun and interesting dogs and people you could imagine…

I have stories for a lifetime!

Reason #8 to Become a Dog Trainer – Contribution

I spent years in a career that never felt fulfilling. Actually, my previous careers were more draining than anything else.

This left me feeling like I had little, if nothing at all, to contribute.

Then I started my career as a dog trainer.

Instantly I felt good about the work I was doing. More importantly I felt like I was able to give back to my community and really a difference in the lives of my clients and their dogs.

Training dogs gave me a career that I feel contributes to a worthy cause–keeping dogs and their humans safe and happy.

If you want to explore a career that will make you feel good and gives you a worthy purpose, dog training is a great path to follow.

Reason #9 to Become a Dog Trainer – Growth

Deep down, I think everyone has the desire to continually learn, grow, and improve themselves.

I know I certainly do.

That’s what makes dog training so fun!

Every Time I interact with a dog I learn something new. I’m always growing and developing new skills–without the pressure of having to attend meetings, seminars, and spending hours in a classroom.

As a dog trainer, you’ll be able to experience the same feeling of growth as you pursue your career.

You’re going to love it!

Ready to get started doing the best job ever as a dog trainer?

Over the past 2 years my team and I have been putting together the most amazing training course that will show you a new approach to gentle dog training. I suggest you check it out!

There really is no other program like it!

So if you’re stuck in a rut with your job, see no future in what you do, have no passion for the work or simply have a dream of doing something special… Then maybe it’s time for a change!

I used to think that to be a dog trainer you had to be born one.
Now I realise that like anything in life…it's a decision you make.
And it could be the best one you make.

If you’re interested then click HERE to find out more.

Or, if you simply want to get started with a great training program that will teach out how to train dogs in a kind, gentle, and calm manner, check out my program called The Dog Calming Code! (Have a puppy? Try my Puppy Coach training program first!)

I look forward to starting this journey with you–it’s going to be great!

Doggy Dan Signature
~Doggy Dan 🙂

Doggy Dan

Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. His goal is to continue to share his unique approach to dog training with like-minded people who wish to make a difference in the world of dogs. His training methods focus on creating and building the connection between dogs and dog owners, and are shared and used around the world.

15 Responses

  1. Hello Dan! My name is William Rowland. I am a 23 year old from Dalton, Ga and I am trying to find my calling in life. I recently graduated from the University of Georgia, and have since moved back to Dalton to work in my dad’s carpet business.

    My girlfriend is a veteran and we recently just got a 7 month old chocolate lab to have him as a service dog for her. This is when my mind started thinking. I have not had to do much training with this dog, and he is already one of the most mellow and trained 7 month on puppy I have ever seen. Like I said, with minimal training, I have had people come up to me in public and say how is this 7 month old puppy trained so well. I honestly just respond with, “it’s all bout how you train them and getting the training to them at a young age.”

    I have a little knowledge on what it takes to be a dog trainer, due to my step brother. He has done some deployments over seas, and while over there his job was to hand canines. With that being said, I have talked to him, and after reading this article; I truly think this could be my calling in life.

    I am reaching out, because I would love to just set up and phone call, and get some more questions I have answered.

    At your convenience, I would greatly appreciate if you could give me a call at (706) 618-0501.

    I truly feel the same way you did when you started out being a dog trainer, and want to take control of my own life.

    I look forward to hearing from you, Dan!

    Thank you, and best regards!

    -William Rowland

  2. Hi Dan, you have such great content ! I have become disabled, I loved my job. Now I’m the home body and it’s not my forte lol. I’ve always had a love for dogs and a desire to be able to train them. With the 9 pups we have 15 fur baby’s indoors right now.
    I need to learn how to better train my dogs and have that lead to a new career where I can help others overcome the frustrations with there pets !
    You know like my female who ate the neighbors special chickens. Lol not how I like to meet my neighbors, but I do now have a new friend due to the way we handled it !

  3. I trained and kept German shepherds for many years. 2 of them were up to police dog standard a bitch I had was trained up to army regulations standards. I take it you are somewhere stateside I myself live in Shropshire .untied kingdom

    1. We are located in New Zealand Debbie, but we have members all over the World! Our Dog Training Academy is an online program so location is no limit! Best, Doggy Dan

  4. Brilliant info!! I am impressed by your blog, here you have explained the great tips about dog trainee. It’s helpful tips for us. Thanks for this.

  5. Hi Dan, I am sooo excited to find out more about your dog training course! Please don’t keep us hanging for too long! 🙂

    Cheers, Sonia

    1. Hi Sonia, I promise that once we get started you will find the wait worth it! We are planning to launch early May 2017 so we shall be in touch soon to see if we are a good fit for what you’re looking for. Great to hear that you’re interested…super excited to finally be opening the doors to Dog Trainer Academy. Make sure you’ve registered your interest at the top of the page in the box that says… “CLICK HERE TO STAY INFORMED ABOUT THIS TOPIC” speak soon, Doggy Dan

    1. Hi Dee, there is a link at the top of this page under the picture that says “To Stay Informed About This Topic Click Here”. When you click on it a pop up should allow you to enter your email. If you do so, then we shall stay in touch and let you know all about the course very soon… All the best, Dan

  6. I have been using your training methods with my 2 shelter rescues and the results are amazing! My dream has been to become a dog trainer, but I felt if I couldn’t resolve the problems with my own 2 dogs I couldn’t help anyone else. I have an arsenal of dog training, dogs science, dog psychology books at my fingertips.. but no one ever explains exactly what is needed to become ‘pack leader’ until you. My husband and I work at the local animal shelter and are getting a lot of experience there… we have 10 acres of land and 3 of it is very securely fenced in. Our house is not yet up and we are still living in a 21 foot long by 8 foot wide homemade RV trailer… no bathroom, no real kitchen, no place to do a time-out. We are in an RV park that is 5 miles away from our land. Once the house is built I plan on working closely with the shelter to help save the problem dogs that come through. We all know what they are like and I know most of them can be trained and helped. Your training is like a dream come true. I was told that where my land is I couldn’t have a doggy day care.. but that I could offer dog training classes…thank you for offering a real training program for dog trainers!!! I am your number 1 fan. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not talking about the results I’ve gotten using your methods.

    1. Hi Taylor, firstly thank you for your very kind words, it means a lot. It’s always been my dream to help the under dogs too (especially those in shelters) so I would especially like to help you establish yourself as a successful dog trainer. I can tell just by your passion and enthusiasm that you are a great fit for the program. I have been collecting footage from consultations for several years now and during that time I have caught on camera some amazing turn around with dogs (and whats great is that the cameras are rolling none stop so you can see there is no editing, the dogs simply change all through their own self control) Make sure you have registered your interest at the top or bottom of this page and we will be in touch with all the exciting details and videos clips of whats inside 🙂 All the best, Doggy Dan

  7. Hello Daniel
    I am extremely happy knowing that you are preparing this Online Academy, i wanted to ask you from the day one, if that could be possible and now i see that you will materialize it…wow!!!
    My question is, when this project of yours will be accessible to me – as i am “dying” to become a Dog Behaviorist and i would even fly over there to have you as my teacher – if my budget would allow it…lol – you are my MENTOR since the time i have joint your AMAZING world and i want to learn, learn, learn…
    And this is where my second question comes, have you thought of providing us with a kind of “certificate” after “graduating” your e-academy? that would be SUPERB!!! 😉 It would be a great HONOR for me to be considered as your student!!!
    Thank you again for your time, in anticipation for your answer i wish you a fantastic-doggy Dan day!

    1. Hi Katerina,
      thanks for your kind words. I guess the great thing with online learning is that you don’t need to fly over to work with me and see me in action! The truth is that if you did that, you would spend a heap of money on airline tickets, hotels etc and you still wouldn’t see as much as I have captured inside the site! For the past couple of years I have had two cameras on me (not all the time but a lot of it!) and they have been with me in my consultations. So if you really want to see what goes on behind closed doors once I enter a dog owners house then you’ll get to see all of that. I look forward to you joining me and the first intake of students…its going to be an amazing community of people, where we all move together, learn together and help dogs together. To answer your questions…
      1. The first students will start in early May 2017
      2. Yes there will be certification at the end of the course something I know you will be super proud to achieve.
      Just make sure that you register your interest in the YES I’M INTERESTED – KEEP ME INFORMED and we’ll keep you in touch 🙂 Have a great day too… Doggy Dan

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