What Does ‘Heel’ Mean in Dog Training? A Beginner’s Guide


What does heel mean in dog training? In this blog, you’ll find the effective strategies to help you quickly master this powerful command. You’ve got your furry best friend by your side, ready to take on the world! Of course, you want them to learn some cool tricks, maybe even fetch you a drink from the […]

How to Stop Dog Lunging and Have a Calmer Dog on the Leash

dog lunging

In this blog, I share the reasons behind dog lunging and practical, quick methods to turn a lunging dog into a calmer one on the leash. What is dog lunging?  You can pinpoint this issue when your dog suddenly reacts with lunges and hyperactivity while on a leash. One moment, you could be walking with […]

Leash Reactive VS Aggressive Dog: What’s The Difference and How to Address Both

In this blog, you’ll learn the difference between reactive vs aggressive dog behavior and how you can manage behavior issues more effectively. So, your dog behaves differently when they’re on the leash. You can’t help but ask: is my dog leash reactive or aggressive? This blog talks about the difference between reactivity and aggression, and […]