Why Does My Dog Yelp for No Reason? Here’s What You Need to Know

Understanding Dog Rumbles: The Other Reason Why Dogs Yelp and Scream cover

If you’ve ever asked “Why does my dog yelp for no reason?” this blog will answer the reasons and the quick solutions for this puzzling dog behavior. Dogs don’t always say what they’re feeling, so it’s understandable why we want to know the reason why dogs yelp. Each sound our dog makes is crucial; it […]

What Are The 5 Golden Rules of Dog Training: Rule #3

In this blog, I’m going to share the power of the Five Golden Rules of dog leadership (in particular, Rule #3) and why they’re the answer to even the most challenging behavior issues The question of how to improve dog obedience boils down to one thing: in the eyes of your dog, who is in […]

How to Make Dog Training Successful: The #1 Dog Training Rule

How to Make Dog Training Successful: The #1 Dog Training Rule cover

There are hundreds of helpful tips on how to make progress in dog training. However, there is only one POWERFUL rule on how to make dog training successful: sending a clear message to your dog. In this blog, we’re talking about the dog training benefits of delivering a clear expectation to your dog, and how […]

Dog Recall Training: 15 Tips to Get Dogs to Come Everytime

Dog Recall Training: 15 Tips to Get Dogs to Come Everytime cover

In the perfect world, the best dog recall training concludes with you able to let out a call and a whistle and your dog rushing towards you. But that’s not always the reality. Our dogs love to explore — sometimes leaving a significant gap between us and them. That kind of independence is good! But […]

Zero To Hero: The Astounding Success Of Dog Trainer Academy Graduate, Cindy Christensen

Listen above or iTunes / Spotify  (Tap the subscribe button – it’s free and keeps you updated!) Today’s Guest Cindy Christensen – Doggy Dan-Trained Dog Trainer Extraordinaire I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Cindy Christensen. She’s a dear friend of mine, a graduate of my Dog Trainer Academy, and is now a wildly successful dog […]

Begin a Dog Training Career: What it Takes to Become a Great Dog Trainer

If you’ve thought about becoming a dog trainer, but aren’t quite sure you have what is takes to become a great dog trainer, you’re not alone. In fact, there are tons of dog-lovers around the world who dream of living a life where they get up every morning and actually get paid to work with […]

How to Overcome Your Fear of Aggressive Dogs to Become a Dog Trainer

If you’re somebody who’s thought about becoming a dog trainer, but you’ve been put off because you’re concerned about the dangers of working with aggressive dogs, you’re not alone. In fact, I encounter people every day who absolutely love dogs, but who also have fears about working with them–especially if they have aggressive tendencies. If […]

Fear Aggression in Dogs: The Right Training Can Change Dogs

In this blog, I’m sharing my most powerful tips that work in dog training, especially if you are dealing with fear aggression in dogs. Aggression due to fear (for example, territorial aggression and aggression from overprotectiveness) is a dangerous behavior problem that should be addressed correctly.  There are so many strategies online telling you how […]

5 Essential Traits of a Great Dog Behavior Training Specialist

Becoming a dog behavior training specialist is one of the most fun and interesting jobs you can ever pursue. There’s not a day that goes by that I find myself bored, unhappy or flustered–something most people can’t say about their current career. Yet, as fun, wonderful and rewarding as a career as a dog trainer […]