Canine Companion Therapy and Seasonal Depression: The Healing Benefits of Adding a Dog to Your Family

Ahh winter… The time of year when the days get shorter, colder, and so much darker. And believe it or not, the lack of sunlight and outdoor time can actually lead to the “winter blues.” It’s also called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). When you’re affected by SAD, it can make you more sleepy, irritable, and […]
Mutual Rescue: The Incredible Healing Power of Dog and Human Relationships

Listen above or iTunes / Spotify (Tap the subscribe button – it’s free and keeps you updated!) Today’s Guest Carol Novello – Mutual Rescue I’m so excited to introduce to you today’s guest, Carol Novello, the founder of Mutual Rescue. Mutual Rescue is an organization that is devoted to demonstrating that when people adopt animals, their own lives can […]