Why Does My Dog Do This?…10 Odd Dog Behaviors Defined

It’s no secret that dogs and humans often exhibit very different behavioral habits. After all, if you walked around sniffing others people’s butts in an attempt to get to know them, you might be sent in for a mental evaluation. Yet, some of these odd behaviors—like sniffing butts or rolling around in stinky things—are very […]

How to Determine If Your Dog’s Bad Behavior Is Caused by Boredom or Stress

As a dog trainer, I am often approached with questions about different dog behavioral problems. Some people believe the issues that arise due to boredom are caused by lack of exercise or a lack of attention given to a dog. And these things certainly can make the behavior worse. However, many of these behaviors are […]

10 Things Humans Do That Dogs Struggle to Understand

Do you ever wonder Why your dog stares at you blankly while you play games on your phone? Why your pup feels the need to bark and growl at the vacuum cleaner? Why your pooch chooses to hang out in the other room while you’re watching a sporting event? Everyday rituals like playing on our […]

Doggy Dan’s Dog Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

The holiday season has officially arrived! And while it’s often a joyous and fun season for us humans, it can also be a stressful and dangerous time of year for our canine companions. This year, I wanted to ensure that both you and your dog are able to enjoy the holidays. So, I’ve decided to […]

Best Behaved Dog Breeds: Does Breed Determine a Dog’s Personality?

Is it the breed or the personality that determines the dog? Let’s find out what the best behaved dog breeds are! I often get asked the question, “What are the best behaved dog breeds?” And here’s my answer… The idea that a breed can determine a dog’s personality is one of the biggest dog myths […]

Correcting Bad Dog Behavior: Why Your Dog Is like a Mirror

A lot of people ask me, how do I train my dog? Or even more important, how do I go about correcting bad dog behavior that already exists? And the answer is always this. When it comes to training a dog it’s important that we first start with a solid foundation. That’s where you get […]

Fear Aggression in Dogs: The Right Training Can Change Dogs

In this blog, I’m sharing my most powerful tips that work in dog training, especially if you are dealing with fear aggression in dogs. Aggression due to fear (for example, territorial aggression and aggression from overprotectiveness) is a dangerous behavior problem that should be addressed correctly.  There are so many strategies online telling you how […]

DD 006: Barking when left alone at home

Listen to the Doggy Dan Podcast Show No.6 by using the player above, or subscribing to iTunes and listening on your mobile device. This post will give you an overview of what’s included in this episode: Barking When Left Alone. If you have a dog that’s barking and barking every time you leave the house, then this is for […]

Dog Scared of Fireworks: How to Keep Your Dogs Safe During Celebrations

In this blog, I’m going to share to you the most crucial safety measures to keep your dog safe and calm during a firework-filled holiday. The sparkly spectacle we see in the sky during New Year’s eve or independence day is terrifying for your dog. It’s not only the sparks that scare them; it’s the […]