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I loved the free webinar! Thanks! Dan’s 5 codes are mind blowing—didn't even think about the food! I have lots to work on from this training alone”

“Thank you Dan & team—a gentle & beautiful way of understanding our furry buddies! I just love how it is so simple and how it's so effective. Love it, highly recommended!”

Webinar was amazing – we have been using this on our two dogs – Pitbull/Staffie, & Sharpei/cross—one fearful, one aggressive—incredible! Thank you Dan”

In the meantime, watch this quick video:

Learn How I've Taught Over 90,000 Dog Owners To Have Happier Homes!

My Book Shows You How To Reduce Reactivity In Your Home And Raise A Calm, Loving Family

WITHOUT Using Fear, Shame Or Aggression!

Here's A Preview of What You'll Discover in this Audio Version Of Doggy Dan’s Best-Selling Book:

  • How to lead the way in your family without using fear or aggression
  • How to win your dog's (+ your child's) mind before any parenting can work
  • How to be clear and calm, firm yet fair in all your dealings with others
  • How to be confident and sensitive to those around you
  • How to notice the subtle messages our children and dogs are sending us
  • How to get everyone in your household to CHOOSE to listen to you!

Get My AudioBook
For Just $7 Today

(Normally $23.99 On Amazon)

This Is A One-Time Special Offer!


“This Book Brought Harmony Back Into Our Home”


“Dan gives GREAT information…amazing insights…”
– HANNAH Crawford


“The value is awesome…How can you put a price on a peaceful home?”


“It's the BEST dog and parenting training out there…”

Hear what Norm Hewitt (Former All Black and Winner of Dancing With The Stars) and Ann Montgomery has to say:

Leverage The Winning Dog Training & Parenting Tactics From Someone Who Has Trained Over 90,000 Dog Owners…In Less Than 90 Minutes.


“What The Dogs Taught Me About Being A Parent”

by Doggy Dan

  • Special Audio Edition – Download to your computer or mobile device – enjoy on the bus, in the car, or on your walks.
  • Read by Doggy Dan himself – Get additional thoughts and musings as Dan reads the book to you as if you were right there, sitting next to him.

Learning From This AudioBook Is Far Better Than Spending Weeks, Months, or Years Figuring Out How To Raise Your Unruly Dog And/Or Child On Your Own…

Hi, I'm Doggy Dan

Over the past few decades, not only have I trained over 3,500 dogs in one-on-consultations, and over 90,000 dog owners through my online courses, but I’ve also raised my own two amazing children and six dogs!

Through it all, you could say I’ve learned a thing or two about the dynamics of families and dog packs.

Now, it's my mission to help others raise the kind of family they deserve; calm, loving, respectful and happy.

Revolutionary Parenting: Lessons from Man's Best Friend

In a world where parenting advice is as abundant as stars in the sky, it's an honor to share with you this new, revolutionary approach to raising children — and it all started with one little dog!

As a young man, I used to joke with my wife that raising our small pup, Peanut, was preparing us for parenthood.

Little did I know, the method I used to raise my dog would become the foundation for my approach to parenting. I call it “loving leadership”.

Now, 20 years later, with two growing children, I see the power of this approach…

It's the same beautiful energy that I used to raise my dogs that I now use to raise my children. And I feel it’s my duty to share this with the world…

In my book, “What the Dogs Taught Me About Being a Parent,” I reveal the key to effective parenting—it's not about bribery or corrections, but about connecting with your children and guiding them with love and understanding.

It's about being the calm, trusted leader that your children and dogs can rely on.

I've learned that shouting doesn't work, and bribery is short-term. Children and dogs need consequences for their actions, but it doesn't have to involve raised hands or harsh punishments.

Whether you're a parent, soon-to-be parent, or simply someone with a furry companion, this book offers a revolutionary way to connect with your children and dogs.

A Heartfelt Invitation…

This book encourages us to lead with love and understanding, and it's a message that's resonating with parents and dog owners around the world.

So if you're looking for a deeper, more meaningful connection with your children and your furry friends, “What The Dog's Taught Me About Being a Parent” is a must-read (or must-listen).

It's time to lead with our hearts and revolutionize the way we raise our children and our beloved pets.

Are You Up For It?

See What Others Are Saying About Dan’s AudioBook

Here's Who This Works For

This Is Perfect If You're A Busy Parent And/Or Dog Owner…

  • With a dog that’s mostly good but still reactive
  • With children who are challenging your leadership
  • With lots on the go and no time to research and solve all these kinds of issues
  • Striving to be your best self and gain the respect you deserve

So If You've Been Confused, Anxious, or Stressed About Trying To Raise The Perfect Family Then
This Book Is For You!

Click Below to Get Access Now!

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100% Risk Free with our 30 Day ‘Money-Bark’ Guarantee (see what we did there?)

If at any point within one month of purchase you’re not happy with your progress, you’re covered by our ‘30 Day Money-Back Guarantee’.

That means that if you want to cancel, we’ll refund your purchase in full, no questions asked.

Here's Exactly What “What The Dogs Taught Me About Being A Parent” Has In Store For You…

  • Find out how to always remain calm in the storm – Why minor events trigger major explosions and how to set yourself up to win every time (with the help of the 10-Point Escalating Scale Towards Aggression).
  • How to control your environment – When things go crazy, it's often too late – so how do we limit the number of factors that can set situations off? A lot of the time we just need to be in control of the environment – so make sure you have all the tools for the job.
  • Nature vs Nurture – the showdown – What makes our dogs and children who they are? Is it their breed? The parenting they receive? Their DNA? Their history? Doggy Dan unpacks it all, and we learn that appearances can be deceptive…
  • What on earth is this ‘energy' thing? – Young children and dogs are acutely aware of other people's energy. But as adults we lose much of this intuitive ability… the good news is that it is possible to get it back! Learn to use this energy positively to affect your emotions and others around you.
  • Stop adding fuel to the fire – Ask yourself: What energy do you bring to situations where things need to be calmed down? Learn the incredible ‘Calm Freeze' for your dog, and the ‘Boring Hug' for your child, which can defuse even the most volatile situations.
  • Realize your child is your mirror – And your dog too…so what are you focusing your child or dog on? Learn the power of visualization to help you stop worrying about worst case scenarios and stay focussed on the best possible outcomes.
  • Discover the art of silence – Is it by chance that man's best friend can't talk? Realize the power of using actions but no words, and how keeping your voice can be your ace card.
  • Create a positive mindset – Attitude is everything, and when we review our beliefs we move into a space where we're prepared to create something magnificent out of every situation. This is how you become the best you.
  • You only get one chance at now – Dan makes us see that the most important time as a parent is NOW. Giving the best part of yourself to your child or dog when they're young molds them into the grown ups they'll become later. Start now!
  • Top tips on being a parent – 31 Top Tips on how to be a great parent and enjoy your life to the fullest. Quick, simple truths that are the fundamental laws of living. A quick glance and these will have you instantly striving to be your best.

Don’t live in regret, asking “What if…”

What if you gained absolute clarity and confidence around what to say, how to say it and what actions to take to become your dog’s and your family’s loving leader…what would that be worth to you?

What if you could skip past years of trial and error, wasted money on “gurus”, and the stress of going at it alone…what would that be worth to you?

What if you woke up tomorrow with a calm household…with dogs and kids all looking to you for guidance…choosing to follow your commands…what would that be worth to you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Doggy Dan and his The Online Dog Training brand combines the benefits of coaching, mentoring, masterminding and proven systems to support busy Mums and Dads with their dogs, their children and their own personal self development. The book is written in a no-fluff fashion by Doggy Dan who has taught over 88,000 dog owners over the past decades with over 3,500 one-on-one consultations. Finally, Dan is the only dog training teacher that is 100% committed to getting his clients the results that they are seeking – creating happier families and calmer dogs. Additionally, it comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Essentially, we've covered the downside for you.

“What The Dog Taught Me About Being A Parent” comes with a 100% money back guarantee. As long as you’ve gone through the Audiobook and have put forth action, message us to receive a full refund. You can even keep the Audiobook. You have nothing to lose but a LOT to gain! Today, we have many success stories of customers that have completed the book, implemented the teachings and seen incredible results!

All you have to do is send an email to doggydan@theonlinedogtrainer.com and tell us what the problem is. Remember, I'm only happy if you're happy! We will process your request within 24hrs.

Once you complete your order, you will receive instant access to download the book, either chapter by chapter, or the whole audio recording in one file.

Yes, the language of raising happy homes and calm dogs works globally. We have students in over 90 countries around the world.

This is still for you even if you don’t have a dog…these are universal laws of how to be a better human. All you need is a desire to learn these skills.