To Finally Solve Your Dog Aggression Problem,

Even If You’ve Tried Before, Failed And Wanted To Give Up…
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Hey, its Doggy Dan here...

Are you struggling with an aggressive dog?

Yes? Well, you’re in the right place…

Because in the next few minutes I’m going to share a secret with you…

That will transform your dog…

And the great news is I’ve got the perfect solution to solve this problem for you, which I’ll explain in the next few minutes…

So stay with me. Ok?

First, I want to talk a little bit about…

Why MORE "Traditional Dog Training” is NOT the answer...

And specifically the No.1 thing you need to do next to solve YOUR dog aggression issue.

You see, having worked with hundreds of similar situations where dogs were being aggressive

I know how incredibly stressful and frustrating it can be…

You work real hard at the classical training that you’ve been shown and it all seems to be going really well in the controlled environment…

Your dog is progressing nicely in the training sessions and you’re gaining hope…

But then you find yourself in a real life setting… and you’re caught a little unprepared...

And all hell breaks loose…your dog becomes as aggressive as ever and they go straight back to their old habits… biting, barking, growling, lunging… it's like they can't help it!

And they change so quickly… One minute they can be fine and the next minute they are losing the plot!

And it’s so Unpredictable...

They’re like ticking time bombs.

And while all this is going on it’s impossible to calm your dog down…

Any training, any commands they’ve learned go straight out the window. It’s like you’re not even there…

It all just seems so and random and unpredictable, with no clear solution.

And if you’re really honest, it’s only getting worse…

Sound familiar?

What Can You Do?

Well, chances are if you’re like most of my clients…

You’ve already spent some time trying to solve this issue. In fact, you may have tried a number of different approaches to training…

Here’s the thing…

Even after you’ve done all the training the behavior comes back. You experience a relapse, but why?

Here’s the answer: 

You haven’t solved the underlying issue. The training you’re doing is only a short term quick fix, a ‘bandaid’ solution….

So your dog remains a Dr Jeckyl and Mr Hyde, and COMPLETELY UNPREDICTABLE.

You spend weeks training your dog to behave exactly how you want them to behave. And they may do really, really well. Yet a week later, in the same situation…

Your dog completely flips out, and goes on the attack. And you find yourself back to square one…

It’s like all that training you did has just gone out the window...

You quietly ask yourself… “What just happened?”

It leaves you, the dog owner, super frustrated.

So the question is, what’s the solution?

Well, the band-aid solution, which is a start, is simply more training. I mean the training video I’m going to send to you… it’s good training, based on my work with thousands of dogs, BUT it’s still just a band-aid.

The REAL (and complete) solution, and the #1 thing you need to do next is discover how to keep your DOG’s mind calm at all times and in any situation, so your he or she doesn’t snap and flip into that highly reactive state…

But instead remains in the CALM LEARNING STATE.

It’s what I’ve been helping dog owners with for over a decade now…

So I’ll share why this is so important. And why this change in your dog’s mindset will make all the difference…

You see I’ve come to realise it’s virtually impossible to train a dog not to react aggressively the way yours is doing when they are unable to stay in the calm learning zone…

And they keep moving into a reactive and impulsive state, because when your dog is in that reactive state…

They’re simply unable to think calmly about the situation…

And make the best decision…

Instead, when they become reactive and impulsive they go back to their default pattern that’s hard wired in. And all that training that may have worked when they were calm and relaxed goes out the window!

Put another way, they no longer behave rationally…

So is there something essentially “Wrong” with your dog’s emotional stability that can’t be fixed?

Or is there a way of working with dogs like yours that gets them past this problem?

Well, while working with dogs like this all day, every day, I’ve found there is 1 thing that absolutely has to be put in place BEFORE ANY training to stop your dog being aggressive will actually work…

And that is you need to put in place a different type of training…

A complete training program specifically designed to first overcome this emotional immaturity that’s causing the impulsive and reactive behavior…

And instead train them to remain in the calm learning state, no matter what’s going on around them…

What you don’t want is just another generic dog training program…

Instead you want one that’s all about retraining and re-wiring your dog’s brain…

Get this part in place first, and then the training you do to stop your dog from being aggressive

Is going to work like a treat…

Because you won’t be working with a reactive, impulsive dog anymore…

Instead you’ll be working with your NEW, calm, relaxed dog who’s totally chilled out at home and is always way more relaxed and calm…

Not only will training your dog to stay in the calm learning zone help to solve your dog’s aggression issues…

It will also help with any other issues you’re currently experiencing – either inside or outside the home – AND prevent other behavioral issues from occurring in the future…

The end result of a training program like this is a dog who is not only calmer, less reactive and listens to you, but also a dog who is no longer challenging you all the time… and is instead watching you and looking for your next cue!

So based on where you are right now…

When it comes to solving the aggression issue you’re facing with your dog or puppy…

Ideally, you’re looking for a guide or a resource…

Such as a book or DVD or a trainer who understands what’s really going on with your dog…

Somebody who can share with you how to develop that strong bond that means your dog trusts you and remains calm, no matter what is going on around them…

And this is why over the past decade I’ve been perfecting a specific program (that’s been hugely successful) called…

It’s a collection of simple exercises designed to help aggressive over-reactive, fearful dogs…

…and dominant, excitable, protective dogs who are showing signs of aggression.

And it communicates to them to instead chill out and remain in the calm learning state…

And focus on YOU to show them how THEY should behave.

I call it the ‘Dog Calming Code’ because, just like a combination code on a lock. it’s not obvious what it is. Yet once you’re shown how to crack it, super simple to unlock…

With the Dog Calming Code, these are exercises that anyone can do. It’s not only super simple…

It’s the single most powerful training program I have…

It’s the one I share with every single client when I visit them in a 1-on-1 consultation at their homes, and it’s always the very first thing we go through…

So I know this Dog Calming Code produces phenomenal results, because it goes to the root cause of the problem….

Yes, these exercises work by rewiring what’s going on in your dog’s brain – the way your dog views the world. And most importantly the relationship they have with you.

That’s right, the Dog Calming Code actually works in two very clever ways…

You see, with most dogs…

They are simply doing what they think they think is their job, which is to protect YOU, the property and themselves.

And that’s not easy for a dog, because they hear noises and see people and dogs getting too close, and cars and cats and kids and screaming…

You get the idea. It’s really not a good job for them to have. It's stressful and they’d rather not have to do it…

And that’s why the Dog Calming Code is so powerful…

Because the first thing The Dog Calming Code does is it removes this job your dog thinks they have of needing to protect…

it removes this job your dog thinks they have of needing to be ON GUARD all the time

That’s right, it communicates to your dog “You don’t need to be on guard, protecting me, protecting the property, worried about everything and bossing everyone around!”

“I’ll decide what is a threat to us and what is not”

And the second part of putting The Dog Calming Code in place is the result of that change…

You end up with a calm dog who’s way more relaxed in all situations…

A dog who’s way less reactive…

A dog who is more relaxed around the house, calmer when on the walk, plays nicely with other dogs and isn’t worried by every new thing that happens around them…

Because they aren’t stressed out about that stuff anymore. They can just relax and remain calm.

The really great thing about this approach is that the whole method works completely with your dog’s natural instincts…

So it all makes complete sense to them…

Putting this Dog Calming program in place FIRST, BEFORE you do any actual training is the number 1 thing you need to do next. And needs to be your priority, because it goes to the root cause of the problem…

Rather than just dealing with the symptoms.

You see I learned a very valuable lesson a long time ago…

“If what you have been doing isn’t working, try something different!”

The Dog Calming Code IS that something different, because it solves the real cause of the problem!

Now at this point in time, 77,000+ dog owners have used the The Dog Calming Code to transform their dogs……

They’ve enjoyed the series of entertaining and highly educational videos that take you through, step by step exactly how to essentially rewire the way your dog reacts to those situations that usually trigger them.

The exercises in the videos are the exact same exercises I share when I work with people in a 1-on-1 capacity. In fact many of the videos are taken from my live consultations inside people’s homes…

So it’s like you’re actually there with me…

In live consultations, getting all the benefits and learnings! All based on my experience of having worked with over 3000 dogs and their owners for over a decade.

So what’s involved in these exercises you may be wondering?

Well… the really great thing is that the exercises only take a few minutes each day in total, so I’m not going to ask you to go and spend hours every evening doing repetitive training with your dog.

In fact most people tell me that doing these exercises has saved them hours each week…

Now that they’re not having to pound the streets late at night, or anything like that, and the best thing is, these exercises or games work with your dogs natural instincts…

So they make total sense to your dog…

And once you’re in the swing of things, and you incorporate them into your every-day life, you’ll hardly know you’re doing them.

Yet you’ll have a calm relaxed dog, when it really matters…

Who’s only looking to you for the next move!

Here’s one of thousands of testimonials that we’ve received over the years from people who have used the Dog Calming Code program.

Now before I tell you how much it is to get access to The Dog Calming Code…

I want to explain that the whole program comes with a…

The 30 Day
‘Money-Bark’ Guarantee (see what we did there?)

This means you can actually sign up…

Use the program, and learn as much as you can in 30 days, and still ask for a full refund if you aren’t happy!

That’s what an online program like this allows me to do. You can feel comfortable with getting your own access to The Dog Calming Code…

And discover the solution to your biggest challenges…

And still ask for a refund (if you want) even if it’s just because you feel like it. Yet I know you’re not going to do that 🙂

The point here is the Dog Calming Code delivers a GREAT Value to everyone who uses it…

However, I want to make it very clear, this offer is literally no risk to you.

Here’s the bottom line, (and this is the truth for me…)

I don’t want your money if you’re not completely satisfied, and most importantly, I would truly love to help you and your dog.

So here’s my question?…

How much would you expect to pay for learning the valuable skills and insights that come with the Dog Calming Code?

You see if I were to spend 2 hours explaining this to you in person, I’d be charging you $350 dollars…

That’s my standard fee and I’m very busy with many people wanting help. It’s great business for me, yet it also creates a big issue…

You see, while this 1-on-1, in-person approach is very useful to my clients, once I leave, they’re often left trying to remember exactly what to do…

Explaining it to their partners, etc…

However, for you, with the online Dog Calming Code program, you have the videos to refer back to whenever you like…

And you can show your partner exactly what they need to do.

You can also fine tune the exercises with your dog over time, rewatching the parts you enjoyed the most and reviewing those bits you want to watch again…

Here's what's really
unique for you...

For the past decade the Dog Calming Code has been part of my membership program…

This was $37 per month, or $444 dollars for a whole years access. However, I want EVERYONE to experience The Dog Calming Code…

(Because I know how it will transform your dog…)

So I’ve created a completely separate program for just $597 for a whole year’s access…

YET right now, as a special for you today, we’ve decided to offer it at a no brainer price of just $97…

That works out to be less than $4 per month! And that’s not all…

If you chose to join now, before you leave this page, you can have not just 12 months…

But LIFETIME access to The Dog Calming Code, something that will change your relationship with your dog forever…

Now remember this is my most powerful program, and the #1 thing you need to do next program!

Now there’s a very real reason I’m doing this…

It's pretty simple…I actually care about YOU and your dog, being aggressive and getting into all sorts of trouble. And I know this approach actually works…

So if you’ve been looking for a solution, and bounced around from this to that, with average results at best, then I am asking you to take this little step, and get the Dog Calming Code for yourself AND you dog.

Since you’ve come this far, I know you’re interested…

All I’m asking you to do is to take the next small step, where you’ll finally get the big payoff you want…

Not just you, but your dog and all those around you.

Ideally, you’re looking for a guide or a resource…

Such as a book or DVD or a trainer who understands what’s really going on with your dog…

Somebody who can share with you how to develop that strong bond that means your dog trusts you and remains calm, no matter what is going on around them…

And this is why over the past decade I’ve been perfecting a specific program (that’s been hugely successful) called…

So here’s what I want you to do…

Click the add-to-cart button below…

When you do that you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page on…

Now rest assured, this is a totally secure, ‘locked down’ process, and your credit card information isn’t going anywhere.

After you complete the process…

You’ll be taken to a “thank you” page that will say to ‘check your email…’

And in that email you’ll have a link to the members area, as well as your membership login information…

And you’ll be good to go. That’s all there is to it…


I’m also including 2 bonus’ to help you take

things to the next level with your dogs…


Is a video of me putting in place my number one tool for calming dogs down, The Calm Freeze…

It’s so powerful when you do it correctly…

And it’s the number one trick that I get feedback on so I know you’ll love it.


Is a summary of The Dog Calming Code, all the ‘games’ or ‘exercises’ on a PDF that you can print off and either stick on your fridge or keep in your pocket to refer back to at any time.

This will become your quick and easy reference guide you’ll want to refer back to again and again, because these games or exercises are what’s going to transform your dog…

So let’s do a quick review…

With your order today you’re getting instant access to my proven and very powerful Dog Calming Code. With this new tool, you’ll immediately see why THIS is your new priority for dog training…

That works and keeps working…

You’re also receiving 2 bonuses…


Is a video of me putting in place my number one tool for calming dogs down, ‘The Calm Freeze…’

Providing you with a real-world ‘how to’ to calm your dog down no matter where you are…


Is a super useful quick summary of the Dog Calming code, with all the exercises on a quick-reference PDF that you can print off…

And keep with you at all times…..

And if you join today, you’re getting not just 12 months, but LIFETIME access…

Combined, you’ll have the best ‘quick-start’ package I’ve ever offered for learning the…

So let’s do a quick review…

With your order today you’re getting instant access to my proven and very powerful Dog Calming Code. With this new tool, you’ll immediately see why THIS is your new priority for dog training…

That works and keeps working…

You’re also receiving 2 bonuses…


Is a video of me putting in place my number one tool for calming dogs down, ‘The Calm Freeze…’

Providing you with a real-world ‘how to’ to calm your dog down no matter where you are…


Is a super useful quick summary of the Dog Calming code, with all the exercises on a quick-reference PDF that you can print off…

And keep with you at all times…..

And if you join today, you’re getting not just 12 months, but LIFETIME access…

Combined, you’ll have the best ‘quick-start’ package I’ve ever offered for learning the…

All for a price that’s never been offered before…

Just $97 today gets you in the door, with lifetime access…

To videos that show you using a simple step by step process how you too can transform your dog’s behavior in ways you could have hardly imagined…

Yet you have to act now, so here’s what I want you to do…

Click the add-to-cart button below, and let’s get you started…

Go ahead…

Click the add-to-cart button below…

And I’ll welcome you to the most powerful tool you’ll ever use for training your dog…

Click Below to Get Access Now!

Regular Price: $597 Today Only $97!

(no recurring fees!)
Instant Access! Even if it's 2am – Guaranteed!
We are legally required to apply taxes in some countries. See checkout page for any additional taxes that may apply in your country.
My best to you, and as always, love your dog!
P.S. No matter who you or what you find for dog training help, it’s not likely it will work for the long run until you help your dog achieve a consistent ‘calm’ state. THEN and only then can he or she learn.
Don’t miss this special offer for getting THE dog training tool that gets your dog to that calm state first.

Just Some of The Happy Dog and Puppy Owners Who Have Had Their Dogs (and Lives) Transformed.

*She was an AGGRESSIVE NIGHTMARE! You saved us:

*So EASY to leave our new  puppy  home alone:

*They're best mates after only THREE DAYS:
*Love it…The whole family thinks I'm a HERO.

Over 20 Years of Dog Training Experience

I’m Doggy Dan (or Dan Abdelnoor if you wanna get really formal), and I’m the founder of The Online Dog Trainer. 

Owners all over the world come to me for help with dogs of all breeds and ages – safe to say I’ve solved almost every behavioral issue under the sun!

I can’t quite believe it, but I’ve helped more than 88,000 owners create a happy, healthy relationship with their dog through my courses, and helped more than 1,800,000 subscribers through my blog. 

The opportunity to help dog owners live a better life by getting rid of the stress and anxiety caused by a troublesome pup is something I feel so fortunate to be a part of.