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Limited Time Offer (You’ll Never See This Again!)

Upgrade to Doggy Dan’s ‘Complete Pack’
To Unlock ALL 16 of His Courses!

This goes beyond just Reactivity—it’s the most Comprehensive Puppy & Dog Training program designed for all pups, of all ages and breeds, that SOLVES ALL problems FAST!

SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade now to the ‘COMPLETE PACK’ and SAVE over $350!

YES Dan! I’d like to unlock the FULL EXPERIENCE of Sixteen Courses and upgrade for only $497 $147 USD!

With the Complete Pack™ you'll unlock these 10 Common Dog Problem courses (Value of $2,970)

PLUS you'll unlock these 6 Video Course Libraries (Value of $932)

Video Course


22 Videos (Plus Audios, Articles and PDF Downloads)

This is my foundational method, called the Dog Calming Code because it teaches exercises that help your dog stay calm in any situation.

These simple exercises are the missing link in your dog training… they are based on your dog’s own psychology (no other trainer will teach you this!), and will transform how your dog responds to you, even in noisy parks or around strangers.

It's an important part of training to win over your dog's mind FIRST, before you can solve any behavior problems.


Video Course

PUPPY TRAINING - What You Have To Know About Your Puppy

This complete section includes general health, getting started, socializing, behavioral issues such as toilet training, mouthing, biting and command training.

It’s everything you need to raise a happy, joyous puppy that’s always a pleasure to be around.

31 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)


Video Course

Everyday Tools & Techniques - What I Use Everyday!

See not only what techniques I use, but also how easy they are when you know their effectiveness

I'll show you The Short Line, the Energy Meter, the Stick Trick, the Long Line, the Calm Freeze, and many more... everything I use in my job, each and every day with my clients to help them create an obedient, amazing dog. With these tools, you'll never come across a puppy situation that you won't feel 100% in control of.

18 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads


Video Course

PROJECT MOSES - How To Raise The Perfect Puppy

A revolutionary way of training your puppy. Follow the Video Diary of an 8 week old puppy through to 1 year. Watch me as I train Moses and share the secrets of success as he grows into an absolutely fantastic dog...

Everything you need to know first hand about raising your puppy is here.

68 Videos


Video Course

Whatever Your Problem Is, Consider It Solved!

In this course, we cover the full range of behavioral issues- from lunging to barking to biting... Easy solutions to urgent problems - from pulling on the leash to dog-on-dog aggression.

Not only do you get access to the whole section on aggression, but you also get access to my library of how to stop all sorts of other issues such as pulling on the leash, barking, not coming when called and lots more!

56 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)


Video Course

Complete Understanding + Advanced Training

This is where you really start to understand what your dog is and how to connect. Apply these tips and you'll see how easy it is to turn your dog into a happy, respectful and well-mannered member of the family.

41 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)


And I’m also Including these 3 Bonuses…


The Exclusive Online Dog Trainer Community

Normal value – $296.00


Weekly Video

Normal value – $69.00


Access to the Download Library 

Normal value – $69.00

The Complete Pack also includes 1-on-1 Support

(we know all dogs are different!)

Chat with our experts, describing your UNIQUE situation, and we’ll
TAILOR-MAKE a solution just for YOU and your dog.

The 30 Day
‘Money-Bark’ Guarantee (see what we did there?)

If at any point within one month after and you’re not happy with your purchase, you’re covered by our ‘30 Day Money Back Guarantee’.

That means that if you want to cancel, I’ll refund your purchase in full, no questions asked. 

Over 88,000 happy dog owners love and trust us.
Hear from a few of them...

DCC Quiz

Your result is in and we have determined


Based on everything you've told me I've put together a FREE TRAINING VIDEO and a CHEAT SHEET for your dog's unique aggression issue.

Discover the #1 thing You Need To Do Next to solve this problem:

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