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“Here’s The #1 Thing You Need To Finally Solve YOUR
Dog's Over-Excited, Naughty Behavior,
Even If You’ve Tried Before, Failed And Wanted To Give Up…
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No worries. This program comes with a 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
HURRY! Order “The Dog Calming” Code Now!
Order Now And You'll Get Instant Access To:
- “The Dog Calming Code Method” – 23 videos totalling over 2 hours of training,
- INCLUDING 7 Amazing Audios … for when you’re on the move. These detailed audios allow you to increase your knowledge and skill level anywhere, anytime.
- The ‘FOUNDATION’ solution … Dealing with the underlying cause of Dog Aggression, Barking, Leash-Pulling, Jumping Up, Not Listening and General Naughty Behavior.
- The WORST possible thing to do … Rewarding bad behavior when training your naughty dogs (avoid like the plague).
- Who’s Training Who? … How to spot if your dogs are actually training YOU (and how to put a stop to it).
- Winning Your Dog’s Mind FIRST … Why it's almost impossible for you to fail when you achieve this, even when you’ve tried everything else.
- The ‘Space Invader’ … Discover the importance of personal space to a dog and how why it leads to aggressive behavior unless it’s understood.
- How To Walk Your Dog … This video is perfect if your dog 1) is AGGRESSIVE outside the home to other dog, or 2) your dog PULLS on the leash and walks in front of you.
- Structure vs Social … Discover the crucial difference between structured and social dog walking and why you MUST clearly differentiate between them to avoid confusing your dog.
- Why NOT To Shout … And how it can make dog aggression worse.
- The ‘PICKY’ dog … Why your dog may be starving even though there is food left in their bowl, why they refuse to eat it (and how this leads to a huge increase in aggression)!
- Bones, Pigs Ears and Rawhide… How all those lovely treats and goodies could be making your dog’s aggression so much worse without you even realising it.
- The ‘Attention Seeking Machine’ … Why so many dogs end up as crazy, attention seeking machines, always alert and never switching off, even at night!
- Switching ‘OFF’ the ‘Attention Seeking Machine’ … Discover the “OFF” switch to your dog, and bring both peace and harmony to you and your household.
- And Much More … We're just scratching the surface!
- Not to mention two Bonuses valued at $150 … All yours for only $47 today!
- “The Dog Calming Code Method” – 23 videos totalling over 2 hours of training,
- INCLUDING 7 Amazing Audios … for when you’re on the move. These detailed audios allow you to increase your knowledge and skill level anywhere, anytime.
- The ‘FOUNDATION’ solution … Dealing with the underlying cause of Dog Aggression, Barking, Leash-Pulling, Jumping Up, Not Listening and General Naughty Behavior.
- The WORST possible thing to do … Rewarding bad behavior when training your aggressive dogs (avoid like the plague).
- Who’s Training Who? … How to spot if your dogs are actually training YOU (and how to put a stop to it).
- Winning Your Dog’s Mind FIRST … Why it's almost impossible for you to fail when you achieve this, even when you’ve tried everything else.
- The Food Dilema … How the feeding routine will affect your dogs mind and the correct way to feed them to stop any aggressive behavior.
- Learn ‘Gesture Eating’ … How this one simple trick will increase how your dogs responds to you and why it’s so powerful (and it only takes a second).
- The ‘Space Invader’ … Discover the importance of personal space to a dog and how why it leads to aggressive behavior unless it’s understood.
- How To Walk Your Dog … This video is perfect if your dog 1) is AGGRESSIVE outside the home to other dog, or 2) your dog PULLS on the leash and walks in front of you.
- Structure vs Social … Discover the crucial difference between structured and social dog walking and why you MUST clearly differentiate between them to avoid confusing your dog.
- Why NOT To Shout … And how it can make dog aggression worse.
- The ‘PICKY’ dog … Why your dog may be starving even though there is food left in their bowl, why they refuse to eat it (and how this leads to a huge increase in aggression)!
- Bones, Pigs Ears and Rawhide… How all those lovely treats and goodies could be making your dog’s aggression so much worse without you even realising it.
- The ‘Attention Seeking Machine’ … Why so many dogs end up as crazy, attention seeking machines, always alert and never switching off, even at night!
- Switching ‘OFF’ the ‘Attention Seeking Machine’ … Discover the “OFF” switch to your dog, and bring both peace and harmony to you and your household.
- And Much More … We're just scratching the surface!
- Not to mention two Bonuses valued at $150 … All yours for only $47 today!
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Act NOW, This Deal Won't Last Forever
Doggy Dan can pull the plug on this opportunity at any time, and go back to charging $450 for his 2hr in-person consultations. But if you act right now, you'll have guaranteed lifetime access to “The Dog Calming Code” for just $47.
You Don't Risk A Single Penny
No Worries. “The Dog Calming Code” Comes With A 100%60-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
Click Below to Get Access Now!
Regular Price: $97 Today Only$47!
(no recurring fees!)
I look forward to seeing you inside the membership and creating that amazing relationship with your dog you've always dreamed of…
P.S. No matter who you or what you find for dog training help, it’s not likely it will work for the long run until you help your dog achieve a consistent ‘calm’ state. THEN and only then can he or she learn.
Don’t miss this special offer for getting THE dog training tool that gets your dog to that calm state first.
More About Doggy Dan…
Doggy Dan is the founder of The Online Dog Trainer, a wildly successful online training program for dog owners. He has years of experience dealing with every type of behavioral dog issue and has worked with all breeds and ages of dogs. Over the last decade, he has helped over 77,000 people successfully train their dogs using the exact methods found in The Online Dog Trainer program.
Since establishing himself as a respected dog trainer, Doggy Dan has written the book What the Dogs Taught Me About Being a Parent, published by Random House.
On top of a successful book, over 100,000 people from around the world subscribe to Doggy Dan’s blog site, and he has been featured in a number of magazines, including Women’s Weekly.Dan has also appeared as a regular guest on a number of radio shows and made several TV appearances, recently showing up on The Real Housewives of Auckland.
Tried & trusted by Dog Lovers all over the world…
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