5 Step-By-Step Exercises to Totally Calm Your Dog And Make Them Highly Responsive To YOU...Even When All Hell Is Breaking Loose!

Get Your Over-Excited, Impulsive Dog or Puppy to STOP, Calm Down… And Finally Listen!

Tap video for sound

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Are You Facing Any Of These 34 Very Common Dog Behavioral Issues Right Now?

1. Pulling on The Leash
2. Jumping On You or Other People
3. Not Coming When Called (Recall)
4. Toilet Training Issues
5. Mouthing and Biting Issues
6. Crying When Left All Alone
7. Not Responding To Your Commands
8. Digging Issues
9. Chewing Issues
10. Problems With Stealing
11. Separation Anxiety Issues
12. Aggression Towards Other Dogs
13. Aggression Towards Your Other Dogs
14. Aggression Towards Strangers
15. Aggression Towards You
16. Aggression Towards Other Objects
17. Aggression Towards Other Animals

18. Barking At The Front Door
19. Barking While You’re On Walks
20. Barking While In Your Car
21. Barking Around Your Property
22. Barking When Home Alone
23. Issues With Hyperactivity
24. Excessive Licking or Chewing
25. Attention Seeking and Following
26. Issues With Tail Chasing
27. Jumping Up On Your Furniture
28. A Fear of Objects
29. A Fear of Other People or Dogs
30. Issues With Running Away
31. Fear of Loud Sounds (Fireworks etc.)
32. Issues With Submissive Urination
33. Unique and Unexplained Obsessions
34. Eating Poop (Coprophagia)

If So You're Not Alone...

Finding your dog hard to train?

Maybe they're starting to become over-excited, flipping out, lacking focus, or stressed when it really matters?

The good news is you're not alone! And there’s a simple solution which is NOT MORE TRAINING!

Whether your dog is only 8 weeks old or a mature adult, there's never been a more crucial time to start training your dog now, on how to control their emotions, and become a well-behaved member of the family.

Thats why I’ve put together these 5 emotion control exercises, that develop “doggy life skills”, such as how to stay calm, focussed, and how to listen to you and make the best decisions – even when they're totally distracted.

These 5 games (or golden rules) will give you the foundation to overcome any dog or puppy behavioural issues and set you up for success from the start.

And there really is no time like today to get started…because these issues do not self-correct over time, they get worse… and your dog becomes even more set in his ways.

Of course, if you have the perfect puppy already, then congratulations–by putting these emotional control exercises in place today, you’ll prevent drama from occurring in the future…

And that’s why I want to share with you exactly how to TRAIN YOUR DOG THE SIMPLE WAY…

All it takes is a few minutes each day, and your pup will be well on his way to becoming calm and well-behaved.

Hi, I'm Doggy Dan

And over the past 10 years I've worked with thousands of dog and puppy owners… and I’ve been around the block with owners who thought they somehow grabbed the most stubborn pup of the lot…

Yet almost every single time, it was just one simple behavioral mistake causing these dog owners to feel helpless… and feel as if their dog was just non-responsive to all dog training known to man…

Having trained dogs of all types and breeds, with EVERY type of problem, there are now thousands of happy dog owners all over the world – everyday – using my training methods with excellent results.

Welcome to An EASY & PROVEN SOLUTION To Help You Overcome ALL Of The Toughest And Most Stubborn DOG ISSUES You're Facing Right Now…

The Online Dog Trainer Program is Proven To ‘Flip The Switch’ On Even The Most Stubborn Dogs

After years of working with thousands of people, helping them train their dogs, I knew there had to be a better way to reach out to even more frustrated dog and puppy owners, just like yourself.

I wanted a way to help more people in a more efficient way so they could not only learn my methods, but do so with EASE and COMFORT. Plus I wanted to give dog owners a chance to implement these methods and techniques on their own, and allow them to do it on their own time schedule…

That’s when I knew I wanted to put all my highly effective dog training techniques I use with everyday clients during live consultations into video format to help dog owners just like you.

It's Like Having a Dog Trainer On Call ‘24/7… On All Your Devices

The Online Dog Trainer is web-based, and the site is fully responsive to your laptop, tablet and smartphone.

This means you’ll get an EXPERT dog trainer at your finger tips, to help you and walk you through the EXACT step-by-step instructions I use for both high paying and even celebrity clients!

Plus, all our training programs and videos are now captioned (subtitled) for anyone with hearing-loss issues.

A Dog Trainer In Your Pocket, 24/7!

With an extensive library of over 300 videos, packed into step-by-step lessons covering every dog issue (and now available on our mobile view) it's never been easier to solve your dog's un-greatness!

A Dog Trainer In Your Pocket, 24/7!

With an extensive library of over 300 videos, packed into step-by-step lessons covering every dog issue (and now available on our mobile view) it's never been easier to solve your dog's un-greatness!

The Online Dog Trainer Is Easy & Fun And Works For ALL BREEDS

Unlike many dog training programs that either cost a fortune or offer you information that doesn’t really give you the results you want, The Online Dog Trainer website will give you PROVEN methods that you can learn, step-by-step, for successful dog training.

You can watch the instructional videos online, at any time, and the best part is… it’s easy and fun to learn. Plus, this training will work for ALL BREEDS of dogs.

No more hunting around for specific solutions that fit your dog. It also works for dogs of all sizes, shapes, and ages and covers everything you need to know under one roof.

Don't Take My Word For It! 77,373+ Happy Dog Owners

Don't Take My Word For It!
77,373+ Happy Dog Owners

OVER 77,000 DOG OWNERS have been simply raving about the success of this training with their own dogs and getting amazing results. And now’s your chance to finally get access to this amazing information for yourself…

*She was an AGGRESSIVE NIGHTMARE! You saved us:

*So EASY to leave our new  puppy  home alone:

*They're best mates after only THREE DAYS:
*Love it…The whole family thinks I'm a HERO.

What They're Saying On Social Media...

* Of course all results are not the same, and levels of success will depend on how consistent you are with the method.

Take A Sneak Peek Inside The Members Only Area


The Complete Pack of Dog Training Courses

The Online Dog Trainer “Complete Pack” is our flagship program, which for over a decade has delivered incredible results. It's the culmination of 20 years of dog training knowledge, packed into 6 comprehensive courses, all in one place for you to access. The Complete Pack is designed to take you and your puppy, or dog, through any stage of their life and resolve any behavioural issues. Here's a summary of the courses:

Detailed Breakdown Of The 6 Course You’ll Discover Inside The Complete Pack Member’s Area…

Section #1

The Dog Calming Code - The Big, Big Secret To Dog Training

This is the foundation that will transform the relationship that you have with your dog. I'll explain in detail the five simple emotional control exercises that you put in place to quickly transform how your dog responds to you.

These exercises are what are going to help your dog remain calm no matter what. Without them you'll never win over a dog's mind, and you won't be able to get the training to stick successfully.

22 Videos (Plus Audios, Articles and PDF Downloads)

Section #2

Everyday Tools & Techniques - The Tools Every Puppy Owner Needs

See not only what techniques I use, but also how easy they are when you know their effectiveness.

I'll show you The Short Line, the Energy Meter, the Stick Trick, the Long Line, the Calm Freeze, and many more... everything I use in my job, each and every day with my clients. With these tools, you'll never come across a puppy situation that you won't feel 100% in control of.

18 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)

Section #3

Puppy Training - What You HAVE TO KNOW About Your Puppy

This complete section includes general health, getting started, socializing, behavioral issues such as toilet training, mouthing, biting and command training.

How to make sure your puppy becomes a pleasure to you and your family.

31 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)

Section #4

Project Moses - How To Raise The PERFECT Puppy

A revolutionary way of training your puppy. Follow the Video Diary of an 8 week old puppy through to 1 year. Watch me as I train Moses and share the secrets of success as he grows into an absolutely fantastic dog...

Everything you need to know first hand about raising your puppy is here.

68 Videos

Section #5

Dog Problems - Whatever Your Problem Is, Consider It SOLVED!

The full range of dog behavioral issues is completely covered off. Easy solutions to urgent problems - from pulling on the leash to dog-on-dog aggression.

Not only do you get access to the whole section on aggression, but you also get access to my library of how to stop all sorts of other issues such as pulling on the leash, barking, not coming when called and lots more!

56 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)

Section #6

Dog Training - Complete Understanding + Advanced Training

This is where you really start to understand what your dog is and how to connect. Apply these tips and you'll see how easy it is to turn your dog into a happy, respectful and well-mannered member of the family.

41 Videos (Plus Articles and PDF Downloads)


SAVE BIG with our One-Time Payment Options ZERO RECURRING FEES!

We normally charge $37 PER MONTH to be a member, but now we are offering two bundle packages, that remove any hidden costs, and you pay just one fee upfront. Of course you'll get instant access to all the instructional videos, but you’ll also get immediate access to the MEMBERS ONLY FORUM, WEEKLY VIDEO UPDATES and the MASSIVE DOWNLOAD LIBRARY.

Why Shell Out Nearly $500 For 3 Hours With Other Dog Trainers?

My rate for a 3-hour dog consultation with a client is $540, and for some dog trainers with even LESS experience than I have, charge nearly $750!

But now you can not only get access for 12 months or LIFETIME, with no recurring monthly fees… you’ll get full access to ALL the information you need, easy step-by-step video instructions plus so much more in ONE members area, with NO HIDDEN COSTS. I believe that training your dog should be both EASY and AFFORDABLE… and now I’ve made it possible for you.

The 60 Day
‘Money-Bark’ Guarantee (see what we did there?)

If at any point in the first two months after your trial ends you’re not happy with your membership, you’re covered by our ‘60 Day Money Back Guarantee’.

That means that if you want to cancel, I’ll refund your purchase in full, no questions asked. 

You’re Only ONE CLICK AWAY From Finally Putting an End to All Your Frustrating Dog’s Issues...

Just imagine finally having that loveable dog that not only listens to what you say, but also behaves and stops growling or nipping when you need him to. This means no more headaches, no more frustration, and no more embarrassment for you.


12 months access


(save $20.50/month)

12 Months Full Access to The Online Dog Trainer 'Complete Pack' (Get Everything in Monthly Plan Minus Free Trial)

6 Comprehensive Courses

Over 200 Videos On-demand from Dog Training Expert, Doggy Dan

Easy-to-use Mobile View

Supportive and Active Community

Supportive and Active Community with Team of Experts On-Hand to Answer All Your Questions*

Instant Forum Access*


* Harness available only while stocks last
All prices indicated in USD


Unlimited access


(save mega $/month!)

Unlimited Full Access to The Online Dog Trainer 'Complete Pack' (Get Everything in Monthly Plan Minus Free Trial)

6 Comprehensive Courses

Over 200 Videos On-demand from Dog Training Expert, Doggy Dan

Easy-to-use Mobile View

Supportive and Active Community

Supportive and Active Community with Team of Experts On-Hand to Answer All Your Questions*

Instant Forum Access*


* Harness available only while stocks last
All prices indicated in USD

And I’m also Including these 3 Bonuses…


The Exclusive Online Dog Trainer Community

Normal value – $149.00

Connect with me directly and ask me and my team all your dog-related questions. If you want to film a video of your dog behaving poorly, I’ll help you analyse what’s going on, show you the solution and give you advice on how to implement it with your dog. 

Post in our forum or just read what other dog owners have to say. There are a lot of valuable ideas, tips and tricks to be found.


Weekly Video

Normal value – $69.00

I regularly film live consultations with my face-to-face clients, so I’ve combined them with other training videos to show you how to implement the ‘5 golden rules’ with dogs that have a wide range of behavioral issues. 


Access to the Download Library 

Normal value – $69.00

Access my entire library of videos, pdfs and articles to play any time you want to refer to it, including owner favourites like ‘Doggy Dan’s Puppy Talk Series’ with episodes such as ‘7 Secrets to Puppy Training’ and ‘9 Advanced Vocal Commands’.  

All our training programs and videos are now subtitled for anyone with hearing-loss issues

A Few Words From More Happy Dog & Puppy Owners...

Aggressive little pup just OBEYS us now!…

*I feel like I'm back in control now:

*12 ISSUES and you solved THEM ALL…

*No more jumping or growling – AMAZING!

* Of course all results are not the same, and levels of success will depend on how consistent you are with the method.

This program is exactly what you need to correct your dog’s behavior and turn them into the loving member of the family they should be.

I can’t wait to see you in the Members Area in a few weeks, posting about how much better your relationship is with your dog. 

See you there!